This section explains the steps to enable and disable the manual resume option for a GSLB pool.

Consider a GLSB Setup using GSLB service configured with the priority-based algorithm. Pool 1 is configured with priority 1, and pool 2 is configured with priority 10. With the default setting, Pool 1 serves all the traffic, as it has the highest priority. When Pool 1 status goes down, Pool 2 handles all the requests. Once Pool 1 comes up, the request will be accepted by Pool 1, not Pool 2.

If the manual resume option is enabled for a GSLB pool, a pool member that goes down is kept in the down state unless it is deactivated and enabled again. Users can manually resume traffic to a pool member by deactivating and enabling the pool member.

When the manual resume option is enabled for a group or pool, the backup pool member will keep accepting requests even when the primary pool member comes up. Once the manual resume is deactivated, the request is accepted by the primary pool or load balanced as per the algorithm.

Enabling Manual Resume Option

The following steps demonstrate how to enable and disable the manual resume option for a GSLB pool. Login to the NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller and use configure gslbservice <service name> and enable manual_resume commands for the desired group.

[admin:controller-1-site-a]: > configure gslbservice GS-test
Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice> groups index 1
[admin:ncontroller-1-site-a]: gslbservice:groups> manual_resume
Overwriting the previously entered value for manual_resume
sa[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice:groups> save
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice> save
| Field                            | Value                                            |
| uuid                             | gslbservice-1a412ece-6f24-458e-af7d-a3e53b0f75ea |
| name                             | GS-test                                          |
| domain_names[1]                  |                                   |
| groups[1]                        |                                                  |
|   name                           | GS-test                                          |
|   priority                       | 9                                                |
|   algorithm                      | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                       |
|   members[1]                     |                                                  |
|     cluster_uuid                 | tp_cluster-ef618334-10ba-42bc-8252-37cf51107a5d  |
|     ip                           |                                    |
|     ratio                        | 1                                                |
|     enabled                      | True                                             |
|     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
|     preference_order             | 1                                                |
|   enabled                        | True                                             |
|   manual_resume                  | True                                             |
| down_response                    |                                                  |
|   type                           | GSLB_SERVICE_DOWN_RESPONSE_NONE                  |
| health_monitor_refs[1]           | System-GSLB-HTTP                                 |
| controller_health_status_enabled | True                                             |
| health_monitor_scope             | GSLB_SERVICE_HEALTH_MONITOR_ALL_MEMBERS          |
| enabled                          | True                                             |
| use_edns_client_subnet           | True                                             |
| wildcard_match                   | False                                            |
| site_persistence_enabled         | False                                            |
| pool_algorithm                   | GSLB_SERVICE_ALGORITHM_PRIORITY                  |
| min_members                      | 0                                                |
| resolve_cname                    | False                                            |
| is_federated                     | True                                             |
| tenant_ref                       | admin                                            |
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: >

Use the no manual_resume command to deactivate the manual resume option for the desired group for a GSLB service.

[admin:controller-1-site-a]: > configure gslbservice GS-test
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice> groups index 1
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice:groups> no manual_resume
| Field                | Value                                           |
| name                 | GS-test                                         |
| priority             | 9                                               |
| algorithm            | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                      |
| members[1]           |                                                 |
|   cluster_uuid       | tp_cluster-ef618334-10ba-42bc-8252-37cf51107a5d |
|   ip                 |                                   |
|   ratio              | 1                                               |
|   enabled            | True                                            |
|   resolve_fqdn_to_v6 | False                                           |
|   preference_order   | 1                                               |
| enabled              | True                                            |
| manual_resume        | False                                           |
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice:groups> save
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice> save
| Field                            | Value                                            |
| uuid                             | gslbservice-1a412ece-6f24-458e-af7d-a3e53b0f75ea |
| name                             | GS-test                                          |
| domain_names[1]                  |                                   |
| groups[1]                        |                                                  |
|   name                           | GS-test                                          |
|   priority                       | 9                                                |
|   algorithm                      | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                       |
|   members[1]                     |                                                  |
|     cluster_uuid                 | tp_cluster-ef618334-10ba-42bc-8252-37cf51107a5d  |
|     ip                           |                                    |
|     ratio                        | 1                                                |
|     enabled                      | True                                             |
|     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
|     preference_order             | 1                                                |
|   enabled                        | True                                             |
|   manual_resume                  | False                                            |
| down_response                    |                                                  |
|   type                           | GSLB_SERVICE_DOWN_RESPONSE_NONE                  |
| health_monitor_refs[1]           | System-GSLB-HTTP                                 |
| controller_health_status_enabled | True                                             |
| health_monitor_scope             | GSLB_SERVICE_HEALTH_MONITOR_ALL_MEMBERS          |
| enabled                          | True                                             |
| use_edns_client_subnet           | True                                             |
| wildcard_match                   | False                                            |
| site_persistence_enabled         | False                                            |
| pool_algorithm                   | GSLB_SERVICE_ALGORITHM_PRIORITY                  |
| min_members                      | 0                                                |
| resolve_cname                    | False                                            |
| is_federated                     | True                                             |
| tenant_ref                       | admin                                            |
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: >
  • The manual resume option is a group-level knob, but it applies to all the pool members of the specified group.

  • Each pool member must be associated with an NSX Advanced Load Balancer site or a third-party site.

  • If a pool member goes down on one site, it goes down on all the SEs hosting the GSLB Service on all the sites.

  • Deactivating and enabling of site, will translate to deactivating and enabling of each member belonging to that site.

  • Propagation of status depends on the control plane syncing interval gslb send_interval.

Manual Resume Option for Multiple Group Setup

The same steps are applicable for the GSLB Service configured with multiple groups.

[admin:controller-1-site-a]: > configure gslbservice GS-test
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice> groups index 2
ma[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice:groups> manual_resume
Overwriting the previously entered value for manual_resume
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice:groups> save
sa[admin:controller-1-site-a]: gslbservice> save
| Field                            | Value                                            |
| uuid                             | gslbservice-1a412ece-6f24-458e-af7d-a3e53b0f75ea |
| name                             | GS-test                                          |
| domain_names[1]                  |                                   |
| groups[1]                        |                                                  |
|   name                           | GS-test                                          |
|   priority                       | 9                                                |
|   algorithm                      | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                       |
|   members[1]                     |                                                  |
|     cluster_uuid                 | tp_cluster-ef618334-10ba-42bc-8252-37cf51107a5d  |
|     ip                           |                                    |
|     ratio                        | 1                                                |
|     enabled                      | True                                             |
|     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
|     preference_order             | 1                                                |
|   members[2]                     |                                                  |
|     cluster_uuid                 | tp_cluster-ef618334-10ba-42bc-8252-37cf51107a5d  |
|     ip                           |                                    |
|     ratio                        | 1                                                |
|     enabled                      | True                                             |
|     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
|     preference_order             | 1                                                |
|   enabled                        | True                                             |
|   manual_resume                  | True                                             |
| groups[2]                        |                                                  |
|   name                           | GS-test-pool-2                                   |
|   priority                       | 10                                               |
|   algorithm                      | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                       |
|   members[1]                     |                                                  |
|     cluster_uuid                 | tp_cluster-5e47e567-5542-4c03-bad8-84dbc882be69  |
|     ip                           |                                    |
|     ratio                        | 1                                                |
|     enabled                      | True                                             |
|     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
|     preference_order             | 1                                                |
|   members[2]                     |                                                  |
|     cluster_uuid                 | tp_cluster-2a7b5f95-8a25-4130-ae23-549a9e258f5d  |
|     ip                           |                                    |
|     ratio                        | 1                                                |
|     enabled                      | True                                             |
|     resolve_fqdn_to_v6           | False                                            |
|     preference_order             | 1                                                |
|   enabled                        | True                                             |
|   manual_resume                  | True                                             |
| down_response                    |                                                  |
|   type                           | GSLB_SERVICE_DOWN_RESPONSE_NONE                  |
| health_monitor_refs[1]           | System-GSLB-HTTP                                 |
| controller_health_status_enabled | True                                             |
| health_monitor_scope             | GSLB_SERVICE_HEALTH_MONITOR_ALL_MEMBERS          |
| enabled                          | True                                             |
| use_edns_client_subnet           | True                                             |
| wildcard_match                   | False                                            |
| site_persistence_enabled         | False                                            |
| pool_algorithm                   | GSLB_SERVICE_ALGORITHM_PRIORITY                  |
| min_members                      | 0                                                |
| resolve_cname                    | False                                            |
| is_federated                     | True                                             |
| tenant_ref                       | admin                                            |
[admin:controller-1-site-a]: >