NSX Advanced Load Balancer supports the configuration of a hostname field for GSLB pool members. If configured, this field is used as the host header in GSLB HTTP and HTTPS health monitor. CNAME/FQDN is used in the GSLB monitor if the hostname field is not configured.

Configuring Hostname Field using NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI

Log in to the NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI and use the hostname <hostname_string> command under select gslbservice mode to use the hostname for the GSLB monitor for the desired GSLB service.

  1. Run the following command:

    [admin:ctlr-1]: > configure gslbservice <gslb service name>
  2. Identify pool or group index using where command:

    [admin:ctlr-1]: gslbservice> where
    | Field                | Value                               |
    | name                 | group1                              |
    | priority             | 13                                  |
    | algorithm            | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN          |
    | members[1]           |                                     |
    |   ip                 |                       |
    |   ratio              | 1                                   |
    |   enabled            | True                                |
    |   hostname           | abc123.com                          |
    |   resolve_fqdn_to_v6 | False                               |
    |   preference_order   | 1                                   |
    | members[2]           |                                     |
    |   cluster_uuid       | cluster-42117bdf-85a3-4de7-a5da-5xx |
    |   vs_uuid            | virtualservice-651ef7a6-0cf4-451e-x |
    |   ip                 |                       |
    |   ratio              | 1                                   |
    |   enabled            | True                                |
    |   resolve_fqdn_to_v6 | False                               |
    |   preference_order   | 1                                   |
    | enabled              | True                                |

    In the above example, 1 is the index value for gs-pool1.

  3. Use the group index command to select the desired pool.

    [admin:ctlr-1]:gslbservice> groups index <pool_index>
  4. Identify pool member index using where command:

    [admin:ctlr-1]: gslbservice> where
    | Field                              | Value                                             |
    | uuid                               | gslbservice-95abaa9f-3703-4012-8846-7158f6034be6  |
    | name                               | gs-1                                              |
    | domain_names[1]                    | 1.com                                             |
    | groups[1]                          |                                                   |
    |   name                             | group1                                            |
    |   priority                         | 13                                                |
    |   algorithm                        | GSLB_ALGORITHM_ROUND_ROBIN                        |
    |   members[1]                       |                                                   |
    |     ip                             |                                     |
    |     ratio                          | 1                                                 |
    |     enabled                        | True                                              |
    |     hostname                       | abc123.com                                        |
    |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6             | False                                             |
    |     preference_order               | 1                                                 |
    |   members[2]                       |                                                   |
    |     cluster_uuid                   | cluster-42117bdf-85a3-4de7-a5da-5c678c11e1f7      |
    |     vs_uuid                        | virtualservice-651ef7a6-0cf4-451e-82fc-0fa2xxx    |
    |     ip                             |                                     |
    |     ratio                          | 1                                                 |
    |     enabled                        | True                                              |
    |     resolve_fqdn_to_v6             | False                                             |
    |     preference_order               | 1                                                 |
    |   enabled                          | True                                              |
    | health_monitor_refs[1]             | ghm-ping-2                                        |
    | controller_health_status_enabled   | True                                              |
    | health_monitor_scope               | GSLB_SERVICE_HEALTH_MONITOR_ALL_MEMBERS           |
    | enabled                            | True                                              |
    | use_edns_client_subnet             | True                                              |
    | wildcard_match                     | False                                             |
    | site_persistence_enabled           | False                                             |
    | pool_algorithm                     | GSLB_SERVICE_ALGORITHM_PRIORITY                   |
    | min_members                        | 0                                                 |
    | resolve_cname                      | False                                             |
    | is_federated                       | True                                              |
    | tenant_ref                         | admin                                             |

    In the above example, the pool member( index is 1.

  5. Select pool member using the index value.

    [admin:ctlr-1]:gslbservice:groups> members index <pool_memeber_index>
  6. Configure hostname once the pool member is selected.

    [admin:ctlr-1]:groups:members> hostname <hostname_string>
  7. Save the pool member configuration.

    [admin:ctlr-1]:groups:members>save pool -> save gslbservice

In NSX Advanced Load Balancer, SNI extension is also supported for GSLB HTTPS health monitor. In this method, the hostname is used as the server name. If the hostname is not configured, CNAME or FQDN is used for the health monitor.