This section covers the steps to configure the NSX Advanced Load Balancer cloud connector using AWS shared key.

The following are the steps to configure the cloud connector using AWS shared key:


  1. Log in to the NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI and navigate to Infrastructure > Clouds. Click CREATE > Amazon Web Services. Provide the desired name.
  2. Optional, select Template Service Engine Group from the drop-down menu.

    The above template can be set once the cloud is created.

  3. Optional, use the drop-down menu to select AWS Region. Select the Use Proxy to Connect check box if there is a custom proxy between the user's corporate network and AWS. Provide the details for Proxy Host and Proxy Port if required.

  4. Access credentials are needed by the Controller to communicate with AWS API. Click SET CREDENTIALS. Provide Access Key ID, and Secret Access Key and click CONNECT.
  5. Configure SE Management Network. This is the subnet in which the Controller will place the management vNIC of SEs. The management network of SE must be reachable from the Controller management IP address.
    1. Select Free Unused Elastic IP Address check box.
    2. Select the Availability Zone and Service Engine Management Network.
    3. Select the desired DNS Settings, and other settings as required. Click SAVE once all the desired options are selected.

What to do next

  • To verify the cloud configuration status, navigate to Infrastructure > Clouds, click aws-cloud, and then click the Status button.

  • Status must turn green, indicating the installation was successful.

    Figure 1.