This section explains the steps to verify the SE information.

The following are the steps to verify if the SE is created or not:

  1. In the Controller UI, navigate to Infrastructure > Clouds.

  2. Click the row for Default-Cloud. (This is the name of the cloud created by the setup wizard.) Information for each of the SE hosts in the cloud is displayed.

Click the row for the cloud to toggle display of the SE information.

For instance, if the state information for the host is SSH Failed, which may be the most common issue encountered during Linux server cloud installation. This indicates that the Controller tried to log into the SE host with the SSH user account and corresponding key specified during setup, but could not successfully negotiate the handshake.

If the Controller is able to log onto the SE host, the following messages should appear:

  • Image in Progress

  • Image Complete

  • Start in Progress

  • Started

  • In Progress

  • Placement Ready

After the Placement Ready status appears for the SE, virtual services are created and placed on it.