This section explains the steps to remove both followers from the Controller cluster.

Web Interface

  1. Navigate to Administration > Controller > Nodes.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Remove each of the follower IP addresses from the Configuration pop-up window.

  4. Click Save.


Log in to the CLI (or CLI shell) and enter the following commands:


Ensure that you specify the host IP addresses of your Controller nodes. The IP addresses shown in the example are for illustration purposes only.

configure cluster
Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
| Field         | Value                                        |
| uuid          | cluster-eb01bf05-7313-4a4f-91b6-21e46d3c237d |
| name          | cluster-0-1                                  |
| nodes[1]      |                                              |
| name          | node-1                                       |
| ip            |                                  |
| vm_ref        | EB01BF05-7313-4A4F-91B6-21E46D3C237D         |
| vm_mor        |                                              |
| vm_hostname   | node1.controller.local                       |
| nodes[2]      |                                              |
| name          | node-2                                       |
| ip            |                                  |
| vm_ref        | EC123A05-7313-4A4F-91B6-21E46D3D46AF         |
| vm_mor        |                                              |
| vm_hostname   | node2.controller.local                       |
| nodes[3]      |                                              |
| name          |                                  |
| ip            |                                  |
| vm_ref        | EA12C05-7313-4A4F-91B6-21E46D3E256EA         |
| vm_mor        |                                              |
| vm_hostname   | node3.controller.local                       |
| tenant_ref    | admin                                        |
: cluster> no nodes name node-2
Removed nodes with name=node-2
: cluster:nodes> save
: cluster> no nodes name node-3
Removed nodes with name=node-3
: cluster:nodes> save
: cluster> save

If you add or remove nodes from the cluster, you need to restart the Controller and ensure the changes have been applied.

Waiting for the cluster to be ready... Controller is ready.
  • The cluster is dismantled and recovered into a single node.

  • Each follower is re-imaged into its default state with no configuration and no access to the leader.

  • The leader holds the configuration and the SEs continue to connect to the leader.


During the transition from a cluster to a single node, the REST API will be unavailable for around 2 minutes.

For more information about the transition process, see Deploying a Controller Cluster.