LLDP is automatically enabled on bare-metal SEs. As illustrated below, the show serviceengine command can be used to confirm so for a bare-metal SE.

[admin:10-10-26-14]: > show serviceengine lldp
| Field                     | Value                                                                           |
| namespace_lldp_summary[1] |                                                                                 |
|   ns_name                 | avi_ns1                                                                         |
|   status                  | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|                           |                                                                                 |
|                           | LLDP neighbors:                                                                 |
|                           | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|                           | Interface:    avi_eth3, via: LLDP                                               |
|                           |   Chassis:                                                                      |
|                           |     ChassisID:                                                                  |
|                           |     mac cc:37:ab:5a:24:38                                                       |
|                           |     SysName:      cumulus                                                       |
|                           |   Port:                                                                         |
|                           |     PortID:                                                                     |
|                           |       ifname swp22                                                              |
|                           |     PortDescr:    swp22                                                         |
|                           |     TTL:          120                                                           |
|                           | ----------------------------------------------------------------                |
|                           | Interface:    avi_eth2, via: LLDP                                               |
|                           |   Chassis:                                                                      |
|                           |     ChassisID:    mac cc:37:ab:5a:24:38                                         |
|                           |     SysName:      cumulus                                                       |
|                           |   Port:                                                                         |
|                           |     PortID:       ifname swp21                                                  |
|                           |     PortDescr:    swp21                                                         |
|                           |     TTL:          120                                                           |
|                           | ----------------------------------------------------------------                |
|                           |                                                                                 |
| namespace_lldp_summary[2] |                                                                                 |
|   ns_name                 | none                                                                            |
|   status                  | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|                           |                                                                                 |
|                           | LLDP neighbors:                                                                 |
|                           | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|                           | Interface:    eno1, via: LLDP                                                   |
|                           |   Chassis:                                                                      |
|                           |     ChassisID:                                                                  |
|                           |     mac 08:bd:43:70:f4:1c                                                       |
|                           |   Port:                                                                         |
|                           |     PortID:       local g23                                                     |
|                           |     PortDescr:    g23                                                           |
|                           |     TTL:          120                                                           |
|                           | --------------------------------------------------                              |
|                           |                                                                                 |