This section explains how to create SEs using heat templates in a no-access mode.


Ensure the following:

Deploying an NSX Advanced Load Balancer Service Engine

You can deploy the Service Engine as follows:

  • Edit the se-no- orc-env.yaml file and alter the following parameters as explained:

se_networks: avimgmt, client-network, webserver- network, provider1.

The SE can be part of:

  • num_se_networks: 4 - This is the number of networks that the SE is part of.

  • allowed_address_cidr: - AAP entry.

  • avi_se_name: OS-SE- No-Orch - An arbitrary name for the SE.

  • auth_token: 4c7f5489-df57- 4f4d-a5b6- c6fa5fb88ea5 - Needs to be fetched from the NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI.

  • controller_ip: - NSX Advanced Load Balancer Controller IP.

  • avi_se_flavor: m1.small - The flavor needed to spin up the SE. Ensure that this flavor exists in the OpenStack Controller node.

  • avi_se_image: Avi-SE- OS-No- Orch - The name of the SE image which is created from Horizon or using CLI.

  • If multi-tenancy has to be used, ensure that the token is used or fetched from the respective tenant in NSX Advanced Load Balancer UI and is populated in the yaml file.

  • In case more than one SE has to be spinned up, the YAML file has to run with a different token as NSX Advanced Load Balancer uses only one token per SE per tenant.

Creating Service Engine using Heat-Templates

You can create SE using heat-templates as follows:

heat stack-create -f se-no-orc.yaml -e ./se-no-orc-env.yaml ocata

Where, ocata is the name of the heat-stack that we are creating.

Check the stack creation using the following command:

root@openstack-ocata:/root# openstack stack list
 | ID                                   | Stack Name | Stack Status    | Creation Time        | Updated Time |
 | 45c44c59-7d24-4d41-ac93-0d6f4200d5b5 | ocata      | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2017-12-06T08:41:48Z | None         |

Check the server list using the following command:

root@openstack-ocata:/root# openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name                 | Status | Networks                                                                                                 | Image Name         |
| 5ad18760-2475-41d6-ad59-855e1a8bcd5a | OS-SE-No-Orcgh       | ACTIVE | client-network=; avimgmt=; provider1=; webserver-network= | Avi-SE-OS-No-Orch  |
| baef34e9-2526-4965-9638-955616e8bd16 | Avi-test-server-2    | ACTIVE | webserver-network=,                                                             | perf-client-server |
| 853b0591-2102-4d87-b713-ca726bd16e43 | Avi-test-server-1    | ACTIVE | webserver-network=,                                                             | perf-client-server |
| 2023fcf5-ddd6-4c3d-afd0-826c5fab65c7 | Avi-test-client-1    | ACTIVE | client-network=,                                                                | perf-client-server |
| e38e7992-305e-47c0-bb07-3bf6d58767a7 | Avi-Controller-Ocata | ACTIVE | avimgmt=,                                                                        | AviController      |