You can configure the SIP application profile using the configure applicationprofile command.

The following fields are required for the configure applicationprofile command:


  • sip_service_profile

    • transaction_timeout

The following is CLI example of configuring a SIP specific application profile:

[admin:10-X-X-X]: > configure applicationprofile sip_app
[admin:10-X-X-X]: applicationprofile> type APPLICATION_PROFILE_TYPE_SIP
[admin:10-X-X-X]: applicationprofile> sip_service_profile
[admin:10-X-X-X]: applicationprofile:sip_service_profile> transaction_timeout 50
[admin:10-X-X-X]: applicationprofile:sip_service_profile> save
| Field                 | Value                                                   |
| uuid                  | applicationprofile-60836d31-4291-4882-a50b-0c60a63766fb |
| name                  | sip_app                                                 |
| type                  | APPLICATION_PROFILE_TYPE_SIP                            |
| preserve_client_ip    | False                                                   |
| preserve_client_port  | False                                                   |
| sip_service_profile   |                                                         |
| transaction_timeout   | 50 sec                                                  |
| tenant_ref            | admin                                                   |