You can configure a cloud particularly for SIP, using the configure cloud command.

The CLI command is as follows:

 [admin:10-X-X-X]: > configure cloud cloud_sip
    Updating an existing object. Currently, the object is:
    | Field                        | Value                                      |
    | uuid                         | cloud-20342e0f-a6a7-4dfe-b90d-1797d39bcc78 |
    | name                         | cloud_sip                                  |
    | vtype                        | CLOUD_NONE                                 |
    | apic_mode                    | False                                      |
    | dhcp_enabled                 | False                                      |
    | mtu                          | 1500 bytes                                 |
    | prefer_static_routes         | False                                      |
    | enable_vip_static_routes     | False                                      |
    | license_type                 | LIC_CORES                                  |
    | state_based_dns_registration | True                                       |
    | tenant_ref                   | admin                                      |
    | license_tier                 | ENTERPRISE_18                              |

Configure the underlying cloud setup as per your requirements. See the following links for the cloud specific configuration:

  • Installing NSX Advanced Load Balancer in OpenStack and Creating Service Engine using Heat-Templates in No-Access Mode topics in the VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer Installation Guide.

  • Installing NSX Advanced Load Balancer in VMware vSphere Environments topic in the VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer Installation Guide.


For OpenStack No-Access clouds, security group rules must be configured to allow the required SIP ports (5060/5061 or any non-default ports).

The following CLI command displays a vCenter cloud configuration:

[admin:10-X-X-X]: > show cloud cloud_sip
| Field                        | Value                                      |
| uuid                         | cloud-20342e0f-a6a7-4dfe-b90d-1797d39bcc78 |
| name                         | cloud_sip                                  |
| vtype                        | CLOUD_VCENTER                              |
| vcenter_configuration        |                                            |
|   username                   | root                                       |
|   password                   | password                                   |
|   vcenter_url                |                                   |
|   privilege                  | WRITE_ACCESS                               |
|   datacenter                 | SantaClara                                 |
| apic_mode                    | False                                      |
| dhcp_enabled                 | False                                      |
| mtu                          | 1500 bytes                                 |
| prefer_static_routes         | False                                      |
| enable_vip_static_routes     | False                                      |
| license_type                 | LIC_CORES                                  |
| state_based_dns_registration | True                                       |
| tenant_ref                   | admin                                      |
| license_tier                 | ENTERPRISE_18                              |