Use the following procedure to install an OpenShift cluster and NCP.

  1. Download the installation files.
  2. Run the following command to install the required software packages:
    ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/prerequisites.yml
  3. Run the following command to install an OpenShift cluster:
    ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml
  4. Prepare the NCP YAML file.

    For a virtual machine environment, use ncp-openshift.yaml. For a bare-metal environment, use ncp-openshift-bm.yaml.

    Also, for a bare-metal environment, if the NSX-T version is 2.4.*, you must uncomment the lines for nsx-node-agent container from nsx-kube-proxy DaemonSet in the YAML file.

  5. Apply the NCP YAML file. For example,
    oc apply -f ncp-openshift.yaml