Most of the steps to prepare the Kubernetes nodes are automated by two containers, nsx-ovs and nsx-ncp-bootstrap, that run in the nsx-node-agent and nsx-ncp-bootstrap DaemonSets, respectively.
Before installing NCP, make sure that the Kubernetes nodes have Python installed and accessible through the command line interface. You can use your Linux package manager to install it. For example, on Ubuntu, you can run the command apt install python.
sudo cat /sys/module/apparmor/parameters/enabled
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor status
The ncp-apparmor profile file provides an AppArmor profile for NSX node agent called node-agent-apparmor, which differs from the docker-default profile in the following ways:
- The deny mount rule is removed.
- The mount rule is added.
- Some network, capability, file, and umount options are added.
You can replace the node-agent-apparmor profile with a different profile. If you do, you must change the profile name node-agent-apparmor in the NCP YAML file.
- /etc/cni/net.d
- /etc/apparmor.d/ncp-apparmor
- /opt/cni/bin/nsx
- /opt/cni/bin/nsx
- /etc/cni/net.d/99-loopback.conf
- /etc/cni/net.d/10-nsx.conflist
- /etc/apparmor.d/ncp-apparmor
If the files /opt/cni/bin/loopback and /etc/cni/net.d/99-loopback.conf exist, they are not overwritten. If the OS type is Ubuntu, the file ncp-apparmor is also copied to the host.
The bootstrap container will move the IP address and routes from br-int to node-if. It will also stop OVS if it is running on the host because OVS will run inside the nsx-ovs container. The nsx-ovs container will create the br-int instance if it does not exist, add the network interface (node-if) that is attached to the node logical switch to br-int, and make sure that the br-int and node-if link status is up. It will move the IP address and routes from node-if to br-int. There will be downtime of a few seconds when the nsx-node-agent pod or nsx-ovs container is restarted.
auto eth1 iface eth1 inet static address #persistent static routes up route add -net gw dev eth1
Then run the command ifdown eth1; ifup eth1.
HWADDR=00:0C:29:B7:DC:6F TYPE=Ethernet PROXY_METHOD=none BROWSER_ONLY=no BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR= PREFIX=24 DEFROUTE=yes IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=no IPV4_DNS_PRIORITY=100 IPV6INIT=no NAME=eth1 UUID=39317e23-909b-45fc-9951-849ece53cb83 DEVICE=eth1 ONBOOT=yes
Then run the command systemctl restart network.service.
For information on configuring persistent routes for RHEL, see
If necessary, you can undo the changes made by the bootstrap container. For more information, see Clean Up Kubernetes Nodes.