This section lists error codes produced by the various components.

NCP Error Codes

Error Code Description
NCP00001 Invalid configuration
NCP00002 Initialization failed
NCP00003 Invalid state
NCP00004 Invalid adapter
NCP00005 Certificate not found
NCP00006 Token not found
NCP00007 Invalid NSX configuration
NCP00008 Invalid NSX tag
NCP00009 NSX connection failed
NCP00010 Node tag not found
NCP00011 Invalid node logical switch port
NCP00012 Parent VIF update failed
NCP00013 VLAN exhausted
NCP00014 VLAN release failed
NCP00015 IP pool exhausted
NCP00016 IP release failed
NCP00017 IP block exhausted
NCP00018 IP subnet creation failed
NCP00019 IP subnet deletion failed
NCP00020 IP pool creation failed
NCP00021 IP pool deletion failed
NCP00022 Logical router creation failed
NCP00023 Logical router update failed
NCP00024 Logical router deletion failed
NCP00025 Logical switch creation failed
Error Code Description
NCP00026 Logical switch update failed
NCP00027 Logical switch deletion failed
NCP00028 Logical router port creation failed
NCP00029 Logical router port deletion failed
NCP00030 Logical switch port creation failed
NCP00031 Logical switch port update failed
NCP00032 Logical switch port deletion failed
NCP00033 Network policy not found
NCP00034 Firewall creation failed
NCP00035 Firewall read failed
NCP00036 Firewall update failed
NCP00037 Firewall deletion failed
NCP00038 Multiple firewall found
NCP00039 NSGroup creation failed
NCP00040 NSGroup deletion failed
NCP00041 IP set creation failed
NCP00042 IP set update failed
NCP00043 IP set deletion failed
NCP00044 SNAT rule creation failed
NCP00045 SNAT rule deletion failed
NCP00046 Adapter API connection failed
NCP00047 Adapter watcher exception
NCP00048 Load balancer service deletion failed
NCP00049 Load balancer virtual server creation failed
NCP00050 Load balancer virtual server update failed
Error Code Description
NCP00051 Load balancer virtual server deletion failed
NCP00052 Load balancer pool creation failed
NCP00053 Load balancer pool update failed
NCP00054 Load balancer pool deletion failed
NCP00055 Load balancer rule creation failed
NCP00056 Load balancer rule update failed
NCP00057 Load balancer rule deletion failed
NCP00058 Load balancer pool IP release failed
NCP00059 Load balancer virtual server and service association not found
NCP00060 NSGroup update failed
NCP00061 Firewall rules get failed
NCP00062 NSGroup no criteria
NCP00063 Node VM not found
NCP00064 Node VIF not found
NCP00065 Certificate import failed
NCP00066 Certificate un-import failed
NCP00067 SSL binding update failed
NCP00068 SSL profile not found
NCP00069 IP pool not found
NCP00070 T0 edge cluster not found
NCP00071 IP pool update failed
NCP00072 Dispatcher failed
NCP00073 NAT rule deletion failed
NCP00074 Logical router port get failed
NCP00075 NSX configuration validation failed
Error Code Description
NCP00076 SNAT rule update failed
NCP00077 SNAT rule overlapped
NCP00078 Load balancer endpoints add failed
NCP00079 Load balancer endpoints update failed
NCP00080 Load balancer rule pool creation failed
NCP00081 Load balancer virtual server not found
NCP00082 IP set read failed
NCP00083 SNAT pool get failed
NCP00084 Load balancer service creation failed
NCP00085 Load balancer service update failed
NCP00086 Logical router port update failed
NCP00087 Load balancer init failed
NCP00088 IP pool not unique
NCP00089 Layer 7 load balancer cache sync error
NCP00090 Load balancer pool does not exist
NCP00091 Load balancer rule cache init error
NCP00092 SNAT process failed
NCP00093 Load balancer default certificate error
NCP00094 Load balancer endpoint deletion failed
NCP00095 Project not found
NCP00096 Pool access denied
NCP00097 Failed to get a load balancer service
NCP00098 Failed to create a load balancer service
NCP00099 Load balancer pool cache synchronization error

NSX Node Agent Error Codes

Error Code Description
NCP01001 OVS uplink not found
NCP01002 Host MAC not found
NCP01003 OVS port creation failed
NCP01004 No pod configuration
NCP01005 Pod configuration failed
NCP01006 Pod un-configuration failed
NCP01007 CNI socket not found
NCP01008 CNI connection failed
NCP01009 CNI version mismatch
NCP01010 CNI message receive failed
NCP01011 CNI message transmit failed
NCP01012 Hyperbus connection failed
NCP01013 Hyperbus version mismatch
NCP01014 Hyperbus message receive failed
NCP01015 Hyperbus message transmit failed
NCP01016 GARP send failed
NCP01017 Interface configuration failed

nsx-kube-proxy Error Codes

Error Code Description
NCP02001 Proxy invalid gateway port
NCP02002 Proxy command failed
NCP02003 Proxy validate failed

CLI Error Codes

Error Code Description
NCP03001 CLI start failed
NCP03002 CLI socket create failed
NCP03003 CLI socket exception
NCP03004 CLI client invalid request
NCP03005 CLI server transmit failed
NCP03006 CLI server receive failed
NCP03007 CLI command execute failed

Kubernetes Error Codes

Error Code Description
NCP05001 Kubernetes connection failed
NCP05002 Kubernetes invalid configuration
NCP05003 Kubernetes request failed
NCP05004 Kubernetes key not found
NCP05005 Kubernetes type not found
NCP05006 Kubernetes watcher exception
NCP05007 Kubernetes resource invalid length
NCP05008 Kubernetes resource invalid type
NCP05009 Kubernetes resource handle failed
NCP05010 Kubernetes service handle failed
NCP05011 Kubernetes endpoint handle failed
NCP05012 Kubernetes Ingress handle failed
NCP05013 Kubernetes network policy handle failed
NCP05014 Kubernetes node handle failed
NCP05015 Kubernetes namespace handle failed
NCP05016 Kubernetes pod handle failed
NCP05017 Kubernetes secret handle failed
NCP05018 Kubernetes default backend failed
NCP05019 Kubernetes unsupported match expression
NCP05020 Kubernetes status update failed
NCP05021 Kubernetes annotation update failed
NCP05022 Kubernetes namespace cache not found
NCP05023 Kubernetes secret not found
NCP05024 Kubernetes default backend is in use
NCP05025 Kubernetes LoadBalancer service handle failed

Tanzu Application Service Error Codes

Error Code Description
NCP06001 TAS BBS connection failed
NCP06002 TAS CAPI connection failed
NCP06006 TAS cache not found
NCP06007 TAS unknown domain
NCP06020 TAS policy server connection failed
NCP06021 TAS policy processing failed
NCP06030 TAS event processing failed
NCP06031 TAS unexpected event type
NCP06032 TAS unexpected event instance
NCP06033 TAS task deletion failed
NCP06034 TAS file access failed