After you edit the NCP YAML file, you can apply the YAML file to create and run the resources.

Run the following command to apply the NCP YAML file. For example,

kubectl apply -f ncp-ubuntu.yaml

Run the following command to check the result. For example,
~# kubectl get pods -n nsx-system
nsx-ncp-5df7fdf8b9-b6lmx   1/1     Running       0          77s
nsx-ncp-bootstrap-rv6z2    1/1     Running       0          76s
nsx-ncp-bootstrap-tzbv2    1/1     Running       0          76s
nsx-ncp-bootstrap-z4tt5    1/1     Running       0          76s
nsx-node-agent-ghnjk       3/3     Running       0          76s
nsx-node-agent-jkrct       3/3     Running       0          76s
nsx-node-agent-tz6td       3/3     Running       0          76s

You can also run the command kubectl get all -n nsx-system to see more details.