You must add at least one appliance to NSX Edge before deploying it.


  1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client.
  2. Click Networking & Security > NSX Edges.
  3. Double-click an NSX Edge.
  4. Navigate to an NSX Edge Appliance.
    Version Procedure
    NSX 6.4.4 and later
    1. Manage > Settings > Appliance Settings.
    2. Go to the Edge Appliance VMs section.
    NSX 6.4.3 and earlier
    1. Click Manage > Settings > Configuration.
    2. Go to the NSX Edge Appliances pane.
  5. Click Add Edge Appliance VM or the Add (add) icon.
  6. Select the cluster or resource pool and datastore for the appliance.
  7. (Optional) Select the host on which you want to add the appliance.
  8. (Optional) Select the vCenter folder within which the appliance is to be added.
  9. Click Add.


  • In NSX 6.4.4 or later, the NSX Edge Appliance details are displayed in a card view in the Edge Appliance VMs section. One card shows settings of one Edge Appliance VM.
  • In NSX 6.4.3 or earlier, the NSX Edge Appliance details are displayed in a grid format in the NSX Edge Appliances pane.