If your dashboard is indicating that a host is not in a healthy state, you can capture packets for that particular host for further troubleshooting.


  1. In the vSphere Web Client, navigate to Networking & Security > Tools > Packet Capture.
  2. To create new packet capture session, click CREATE SESSION.
    The Create Session window appears. Enter the required details as explained further.
    Parameter Description
    General Tab The General tab is the default tab. Enter the required details as explained further.
    Session Name Type name for the session.
    Host Select the required host from the list.

    You can select either Adapter or Filter.

    If you select the adapter type, based on the selected adapter type, select the name of the adapter. If you select adapter type, you should not select Filter Type or Filter Mode.

    dvPort is specific to the VdrPort on the selected host. Other port is not supported.

    Filter Type Select the filter type from the list that is based on the selected host. The list depends on the configured firewall rules.
    Filter Mode
    Select filter mode as:
    • Pre: If you want to capture packets before applying the filter.
    • Post: If you want to capture packets after applying the filter.
    Traffic Type

    Select traffic type as Incoming or Outgoing.

    The packets are captured according to the direction of the flow with regard to the virtual switch.

    Advanced Tab To provide additional options to filter the capture packet, click the Advanced tab, and type the required details.
  3. To create a session, click SAVE.
    The packet capture session starts.


You can view the status of the session.

What to do next

  • You can download the captured session after it is finished, and can view the file using tools such as Wireshark.
  • You can clear the session after you download the file.
  • You can stop the session that is in-progress, if required.