You can add multiple login or logoff scripts. For example, you can bind a login script for starting Internet Explorer with When the remote user logs in to the SSL client, Internet Explorer opens up


  1. In the SSL Vpn-Plus tab, select Login/Logoff Scripts from the left panel.
  2. Click the Add (add) icon.
  3. In Script, click Browse and select the script you want to bind to the NSX Edge gateway.
  4. Select the Type of script.
    Option Description
    Login Performs the script action when remote user logs in to SSL VPN.
    Logoff Performs the script action when remote user logs out of SSL VPN.
    Both Performs the script action both when remote user logs in and logs out of SSL VPN.
  5. Type a description for the script.
  6. Select Enabled to enable the script.
  7. Click OK.