The preceding diagrams show the communication between the two VMs running on two different hosts and the flows monitored by the IPFIX feature for vSphere Distributed Switch.

Figure 1. Flow on Host 1
The image is described in the surrounding text.

The Flow on Host 1 shows the flows are collected from Host 1. The IPv4 template has additional information about the ingress and egress port and the standard elements.

The ingressInterfaceAttr text box 0x02 indicates it is an access port where the virtual machine is connected. The access port number is assigned to the ingressInterface parameter in the template.

The egressInterfaceAttr value of 0x03 shows that it is a VXLAN tunnel port and the port number associated with it is a management VMKNic port. This port number is assigned to the egressInterface parameter in the template.

The IPv4 VXLAN template on the other hand has additional information about the VXLAN ID, inner source, and destination IP/Port and protocol. The ingress and egress interfaces are VXLAN tunnel port and dvuplink port respectively.

Figure 2. Flow on Host 2
The image is described in the surrounding text.

The Flow on Host 1 shows the flows on Host 2.

The templates in the Flow on Host 1 differs from the Flow on Host 1 only in the Ingress and egress attributes and port numbers.

The additional information provided through this template helps the collector tool vendors to correlate the external VXLAN flows and the internal virtual machine flows.

Information Relevant to the Collector Tool Vendor

IPFIX support on vSphere Distributed Switch provides the required visibility into the virtual machine flows and VXLAN flows. If you are using any collector tool vendor, you can use additional information available in the templates to provide a correlation between the internal and external flows and the port connections.

The following section provides the details regarding how to decode the new parameters that are added in the VXLAN templates. IANA defines IPFIX information elements and their element IDs. You can find the list of standard element IDs at

All the new elements defined as part of VXLAN template have their new element IDs.

These custom parameters or elements provide additional information about the VXLAN and internal flows. The following are the new elements and their IDs:

Table 1. Custom Parameters
Element ID Parameter Name Data Type Unit
880 tenantProtocol unsigned8 1 byte
881 tenantSourceIPv4 ipv4Address 4 bytes
882 tenantDestIPv4 ipv4Address 4 bytes
883 tenantSourceIPv6 ipv6Address 16 bytes
884 tenantDestIPv6 ipv6Address 16 bytes
886 tenantSourcePort unsigned16 2 bytes
887 tenantDestPort unsigned16 2 bytes
888 egressInterfaceAttr unsigned16 2 bytes
889 vxlanExportRole unsigned8 1byte
890 ingressInterfaceAttr unsigned16 2 bytes
Note: The Enterprise ID is appended to all the custom elements defined above. The enterprise ID for VMware is 6876.

The following table shows an example of complete list of element IDs. You can find data type and unit for standard element IDs at

Element ID Parameter Name
1 octetDeltaCount
2 packetDeltaCount
4 protocolIdentifier
6 tcpFlags
7 sourceTransportPort
8 sourceIPv4Address
10 ingressInterface
11 destinationTransportPort
12 destinationIPv4Address
14 egressInterface
15 nextHopIPv4
27 sourceIPv6Address
28 destinationIPv6Address
53 maxTTL
61 flowDir
136 flowEndReason
152 flowStartSysUpTime
153 flowEndSysUpTime
210 paddingOctets
351 vxlanId
880 tenantProtocol
881 tenantSourceIPv4
882 tenantDestIPv4
883 tenantSourceIPv6
884 tenantDestIPv6
886 tenantSourcePort
887 tenantDestPort
888 egressInterfaceAttr
889 vxlanExportRole
890 ingressInterfaceAttr