You can change the IP address assigned to a MAC address to correct the assigned IP address.

Note: SpoofGuard accepts a unique IP address from virtual machines. However, you can assign an IP address only once. An approved IP address is unique across NSX. Duplicate approved IP addresses are not allowed.


  1. In SpoofGuard, select a policy.
  2. In NSX 6.4.1 and later, select one of the option links from the drop-down menu, or All.
    Option Description
    Active vNICs List of all validated IP addresses
    Pending Approval vNICs IP address changes that require approval before traffic can flow to or from these virtual machines
    Inactive vNICs List of IP addresses where the current IP address does not match the published IP address
    vNICs with Duplicate IP IP addresses that are duplicates of an existing assigned IP address within the selected datacenter
  3. For NSX 6.4.0, select View, and click one of the option links.
    Option Description
    Active Virtual NICs List of all validated IP addresses
    Active Virtual NICs Since Last Published List of IP addresses that have been validated since the policy was last updated
    Virtual NICs IP Required Approval IP address changes that require approval before traffic can flow to or from these virtual machines
    Virtual NICs with Duplicate IP IP addresses that are duplicates of an existing assigned IP address within the selected datacenter
    Inactive Virtual NICs List of IP addresses where the current IP address does not match the published IP address
    Unpublished Virtual NICs IP List of virtual machines for which you have edited the IP address assignment but have not yet published
  4. Add an IP address.
    Option Description
    NSX 6.4.1 Click Add IP, and add an IP address.
    NSX 6.4.0 Click the pencil icon next to an Approved IP address, then click + and add a new IP address.
  5. To delete an incorrect IP address, select Clear.
  6. Click OK.