You can enable the Controller Disconnected Operation (CDO) mode for NSX Manager. CDO mode is disabled by default.


  • After upgrading to NSX 6.4, NSX Manager disables CDO mode for the existing transport nodes. Use a pre-defined global VNI to configure vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS), if NSX Manager had one or more CDO enabled transport nodes before upgrade.


  1. Navigate to Networking & Security > Installation and Upgrade > Management > NSX Managers.
  2. Select the required NSX Manager.
  3. Click Actions > Enable CDO mode.
    A confirmation dialog box appears.
  4. Click Yes.
    CDO mode is enabled for the selected NSX Manager.


The CDO Mode column displays State as Enabled and Status as Successful.

NSX Manager creates a CDO logical switch on the controller. To view the details of the CDO logical switch, log in to the NSX Manager CLI as an admin user, and run the following command:
nsxmgr> show logical-switch controller controllerID host host_IP joined-vnis
For example:
nsxmgr> show logical-switch controller controller-1 host joined-vnis
VNI      Controller      BUM-Replication ARP-Proxy Connections VTEPs     Active
5000  Enabled         Enabled   2           2         true
5004  Enabled         Enabled   2           2         true
5006  Enabled         Enabled   3           3         true
4999  Enabled         Enabled   5           5         true
5003  Enabled         Enabled   3           3         true
5005  Enabled         Enabled   1           1         true
5007  Enabled         Enabled   3           3         true

Observe that the CDO logical switch with VNI 4999 is created.