To add a server certificate, you paste the contents of the PEM certificate file and the private key contents of the server.


  1. Log in to the vSphere Web Client.
  2. Click Networking & Security > NSX Edges.
  3. Double-click an NSX Edge.
  4. Navigate to Manage > Settings > Certificates.
  5. Click Add, and then click Certificate.
  6. In the Certificates Contents text box, paste the contents of the PEM certificate file.
    Text must include "-----BEGIN xxx-----" and "-----END xxx-----". For example:
        Server cert
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  7. In the Private Key text box, paste the private key contents of the server.

    Following is an example of the private key content:

    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  8. Enter the password of the private key file and renter the password to confirm.
  9. (Optional) Enter a description for the server certificate.
  10. Click Add or OK.