This section describes how to remove a host from a cluster prepared for network virtualization. You might want to do this if, for example, you decide that the host is not going to participate in NSX.
Important: If the host has
NSX 6.3.0 or later and ESXi 6.0 or later, you do not need to reboot a host to uninstall VIBs. In earlier versions of
NSX and ESXi, a reboot is required to complete the VIB uninstall.
In NSX 6.4.0 and later, the file contains a single VIB file VMware_bootbank_esx-nsxv.vib. For example, in ESXi 6.5, the name of the VIB file might be something similar to VMware_bootbank_esx-nsxv_6.5.0-0.0.13168956.vib.
To remove a host from an NSX-prepared cluster, you must ensure that this VIB file is not present on the host.
If the VIB remains on the host, you can view the logs to determine why automated VIB removal did not work.
You can remove the VIB manually by running this command: esxcli software vib remove --vibname=esx-nsxv.