Configuration of load balancer application rules with an "sni" keyword fails in NSX Data Center 6.4.6.
This problem occurs when:
- You upgrade NSX to 6.4.6 with existing application rules that are configured with an "sni" keyword.
- You create or configure new load balancer application rules in 6.4.6 with an "sni" keyword.
This problem occurs because application rules with the following keywords are broken in
NSX 6.4.6:
- req_ssl_sni
- req.ssl_sni
- ssl_fc_sni
- ssl_fc_has_sni
The regular expression that is used to support the load balancer application rule "sni expression" in NSX 6.4.6 is not strict enough.
This problem is a known issue in
NSX 6.4.6. There is no solution for this problem. However, to work around this problem, do the following:
- Log in to the NSX Edge as a root user.
- Edit line 879 in /opt/vmware/vshield/Plugins/features/lb/ as:
879 @indexes = grep { $script->[$_] =~ /^sni +.+/ } 0..$#$script;