You can use the NSX Command Line Interface (CLI) to troubleshoot the L2 VPN service over both SSL and IPSec tunnels.


L2 VPN service is not working as expected.


  1. Use the following central CLI command to view configuration issues:
    show edge <edgeID> configuration l2vpn.

    For example, show edge edge-1 configuration l2vpn.

  2. Use the following commands on both the client and server Edge:
    • For L2 VPN over an SSL tunnel, run the show configuration l2vpn command, and check the four following key values on the server.

      Command output shows cipher key as RC4-MD5, port as 443, listener IP as, and peer site configuration details.

    • For L2 VPN over an IPSec tunnel, run the show configuration l2vpn command, and observe the site ID of each tunnel. Check whether the site ID of each tunnel in the L2 VPN configuration matches the site ID that was auto-generated when you created the route-based IPSec tunnels.
    • For L2 VPN over both SSL and IPSec tunnels, run the show service l2vpn bridge command to know the MAC addresses learned from the local and remote sites. If the ON BRIDGE flag is false, the MAC addresses learned on the trunk interface belong to the VMs on the local site. Similarly, if the ON BRIDGE flag is false, the MAC addresses learned on the tap devices (tap0/na<index>/l2t-<index>) belong to the VMs on the remote site.
      For L2 VPN over both IPSec client and server, the CLI output of the show service l2vpn bridge command is as follows:
      nsx-edge> show service l2vpn bridge
      bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
      br-sub          8000.005056902e5f       no              l2t-1
      List of learned MAC addresses for L2 VPN bridge br-sub
      INTERFACES      MAC ADDR                VLAN ID         ON BRIDGE       AGING TIMER
      vNic_1          00:50:56:90:2e:5f       0               yes             0.00
      vNic_1          00:50:56:90:c2:e4       0               no              220.05
      l2t-1           9a:80:b8:56:c7:0e       0               yes             0.00
      For L2 VPN over an SSL server, the CLI output of the show service l2vpn bridge command is as follows:
      nsx-edge> show service l2vpn bridge 
      bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
      br-sub          8000.00505690a99b       no              na1
      List of learned MAC addresses for L2 VPN bridge br-sub
      INTERFACES      MAC ADDR                VLAN ID         ON BRIDGE       AGING TIMER
      vNic_1          00:50:56:90:0d:52       30              no              16.88
      na1             00:50:56:90:0d:52       10              no              11.87
      vNic_1          00:50:56:90:a9:9b       30              yes             0.00
      na1             d6:60:19:cb:e7:ca       0               yes             0.00
      For L2 VPN over an SSL client, the CLI output of the show service l2vpn bridge command is as follows:
      nsx-edge> show service l2vpn bridge 
      bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
      br-sub          8000.005056900d52       no              tap0
      List of learned MAC addresses for L2 VPN bridge br-sub
      INTERFACES      MAC ADDR                VLAN ID         ON BRIDGE       AGING TIMER
      vNic_1          00:50:56:90:0d:52       10              yes             0.00
      vNic_1          00:50:56:90:a9:9b       30              no              3.84
      tap0            00:50:56:90:a9:9b       20              no              0.84
      tap0            00:50:56:90:a9:9b       10              no              2.84
    • For L2 VPN over an IPSec tunnel, run the show service l2vpn command on both the server and the client. For example, the following CLI output on the server shows the status of two IPSec tunnels:
      NSX-edge-23-0> show service l2vpn      
      L2 VPN is running
      L2 VPN type: Server/Hub
      SITENAME                       IPSECSTATUS          VTI                  GRE
      Site 1                         UP                   vti-1                l2t-36
      Site 2                         UP                   vti-1                l2t-34
      Make sure that the tunnel status is UP. If the tunnel status is UP, check whether the site ID of the tunnel matches the site ID that was auto-generated when you created the route-based IPSec tunnels.
    • For L2 VPN over an IPSec tunnel, run the show interface [interface-name] command to view details of all VTI interfaces.
    • For L2 VPN over SSL and IPSec tunnels, run the show service l2vpn trunk table command.
    • For L2 VPN over SSL and IPSec tunnels, run the show service l2vpn conversion table command. In the following example, an Ethernet frame that arrives on tunnel #1 has its VLAN ID 1 converted to VXLAN with a VLAN of 5001 before the packet is passed to the VDS.

      The image is described in the surrounding text.