After you activate the NSX Intelligence feature, by default, it begins collecting network traffic data on all standalone hosts and cluster of hosts. If necessary, you can optionally stop data collection from a standalone host or cluster of hosts.

The Standalone Host section in the Data Collection tab in the System Settings > NSX Intelligence user interface lists only the hosts that do not belong to a cluster and hosts that are not managed by a compute manager. The Cluster section, lists all the clusters in your NSX-T environment.

You cannot deactivate or activate data collection for a single host that belongs to a cluster. You can only deactivate or activate data collection on the entire cluster to which that host belongs. When data collection is deactivated for a cluster, the NSX Intelligence application stops collecting data on all the hosts that belong to that cluster. Similarly, if data collection mode is activated on a cluster, the NSX Intelligence application starts collecting data on all the hosts that belong to that cluster.

If the data collection mode is deactivated for a standalone host and that host is added to a cluster whose data collection is activated, the NSX Intelligence application starts collecting data on that host after it joins that cluster. Conversely, if a standalone host has its data collection mode activated and it is added to a cluster whose data collection is deactivated, the NSX Intelligence application stops data collection on that host after it joins that cluster.


  • The NSX Intelligence feature must be activated on the NSX Application Platform. See Activating and Upgrading VMware NSX Intelligence for details.

  • You must have NSX-T Data Center Enterprise Administrator user privileges.

  • At least a valid NSX Data Center Enterprise Plus edition license is in effect for your NSX Manager session.


  1. From your browser, log in with Enterprise Administrator privileges to an NSX Manager appliance at https://<nsx-manager-ip-address>.
  2. In the NSX Manager user interface, select System and in the Settings section, select NSX Intelligence.
  3. To manage traffic data collection for one or more hosts, perform one of the following steps.
    1. To stop traffic data collection, select the host or hosts in the Standalone Host section, click Deactivate, and click Confirm when prompted if you are sure.
    2. To start traffic data collection, select the host or hosts, click Activate, and click Confirm when prompted if you are sure.

    The system updates the Collection Status value for each affected host to Deactivated or Activated, depending on the data collection mode you had set.

  4. To manage traffic data collection for one or more clusters of hosts, perform one of the following steps.
    1. To stop data collection for one or more clusters, select the cluster or clusters in the Cluster section, click Deactivate, and click Confirm when prompted if you are sure.
    2. To start traffic data collection, select the cluster or clusters, click Activate, and click Confirm when prompted if you are sure.

    The system updates the Collection Status value for each affected cluster to Deactivated or Activated, depending on the data collection mode you had set.