You must connect the CSM appliance with NSX Manager to allow these components to communicate with each other.


  • NSX Manager must be installed and you must have the username and password for the admin account to log in to NSX Manager.
  • CSM must be installed and you must have the Enterprise Administrator role assigned in CSM.
  • You must have the NSX Data Center Enterprise Plus license.


  1. From a browser, log in to CSM.
  2. When prompted in the setup wizard, click Begin Setup.
  3. Enter the following details in the NSX Manager Credentials screen:
    Option Description
    NSX Manager Host Name Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the NSX Manager, if available. You may also enter the IP address of NSX Manager.
    Admin Credentials Enter an Enterprise Administrator username and password for NSX Manager.
    Manager Thumbprint Optionally, enter the NSX Manager's thumbrpint value. If you leave this field blank, the system identifies the thumbprint and displays it in the next screen.
  4. (Optional) If you did not provide a thumbprint value for NSX Manager, or if the value was incorrect, the Verify Thumbprint screen appears. Select the checkbox to accept the thumbprint discovered by the system.
  5. Click Connect.
    Note: If you missed this setting in the setup wizard or if you want to change the associated NSX Manager, log in to CSM, click System > Settings, and click Configure on the panel titled Associated NSX Node.
    CSM verifies the NSX Manager thumbprint and establishes connection.
  6. (Optional) Set up the Proxy server. See instructions in (Optional) Configure Proxy Servers.