The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) profiles provide information about the algorithms that are used to authenticate, encrypt, and establish a shared secret between network sites when you establish an IKE tunnel.

NSX-T Data Center provides system-generated IKE profiles that are assigned by default when you configure an IPSec VPN or L2 VPN service. The following table lists the default profiles provided.
Table 1. Default IKE Profiles Used for IPSec VPN or L2 VPN Services
Default IKE Profile Name Description
  • Used for an L2 VPN service configuration.
  • Configured with IKE V2, AES CBC 128 encryption algorithm, SHA2 256 algorithm, and Diffie-Hellman group14 key exchange algorithm.
  • Used for an IPSec VPN service configuration.
  • Configured with IKE V2, AES CBC 128 encryption algorithm, SHA2 256 algorithm, and Diffie-Hellman group 14 key exchange algorithm.

Instead of the default IKE profiles used, you can also select one of the compliance suites supported starting with NSX-T Data Center 2.5. See About Supported Compliance Suites for more information.

If you decide not to use the default IKE profiles or compliance suites provided, you can configure your own IKE profile using the following steps.


  1. From your browser, log in with admin privileges to an NSX Manager at https://<nsx-manager-ip-address>.
  2. Select Networking > VPN and then click the Profiles tab.
  3. Select the IKE Profiles profile type, and click Add IKE Profile.
  4. Enter a name for the IKE profile.
  5. From the IKE Version drop-down menu, select the IKE version to use to set up a security association (SA) in the IPSec protocol suite.
    Table 2. IKE Versions
    IKE Version Description
    IKEv1 When selected, the IPSec VPN initiates and responds to an IKEv1 protocol only.
    IKEv2 This version is the default. When selected, the IPSec VPN initiates and responds to an IKEv2 protocol only.
    IKE-Flex If this version is selected and if the tunnel establishment fails with the IKEv2 protocol, the source site does not fall back and initiate a connection with the IKEv1 protocol. Instead, if the remote site initiates a connection with the IKEv1 protocol, then the connection is accepted.
  6. Select the encryption, digest, and Diffie-Hellman group algorithms from the drop-down menus. You can select multiple algorithms to apply or deselect any selected algorithms you do not want to be applied.
    Table 3. Algorithms Used
    Type of Algorithm Valid Values Description
    • AES 128 (default)
    • AES 256
    • AES GCM 128
    • AES GCM 192
    • AES GCM 256

    The encryption algorithm used during the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiation.

    The AES 128 and AES 256 algorithms use the CBC mode of operation.

    The AES-GCM algorithms are supported when used with IKEv2. They are not supported when used with IKEv1.

    • SHA2 256 (default)
    • SHA1
    • SHA2 384
    • SHA2 512

    The secure hashing algorithm used during the IKE negotiation.

    If AES-GCM is the only encryption algorithm selected in the Encryption Algorithm text box, then no hash algorithms can be specified in the Digest Algorithm text box, per section 8 in RFC 5282. In addition, the Psuedo-Random Function (PRF) algorithm PRF-HMAC-SHA2-256 is implicitly selected and used in the IKE security association (SA) negotiation. The PRF-HMAC-SHA2-256 algorithm must also be configured on the peer gateway in order for the phase 1 of the IKE SA negotiation to succeed.

    If more algorithms are specified in the Encryption Algorithm text box, in addition to the AES-GCM algorithm, then one or more hash algorithms can be selected in the Digest Algorithm text box. In addition, the PRF algorithm used in the IKE SA negotiation is implicitly determined based on the hash algorithms configured. At least one of the matching PRF algorithms must also be configured on the peer gateway in order for the phase 1 of the IKE SA negotiation to succeed. For example, if the Encryption Algorithm text box contains AES 128 and AES GCM 128 and SHA1 is specified in the Digest Algorithm text box, then the PRF-HMAC-SHA1 algorithm is used during the IKE SA negotiation. It must also be configured in the peer gateway.

    Diffie-Hellman Group
    • Group 14 (default)
    • Group 2
    • Group 5
    • Group 15
    • Group 16
    • Group 19
    • Group 20
    • Group 21

    The cryptography schemes that the peer site and the NSX Edge use to establish a shared secret over an insecure communications channel.

    Note: When you attempt to establish an IPSec VPN tunnel with a GUARD VPN Client (previously QuickSec VPN Client) using two encryption algorithms or two digest algorithms, the GUARD VPN Client adds additional algorithms in the proposed negotiation list. For example, if you specified AES 128 and AES 256 as the encryption algorithms and SHA2 256 and SHA2 512 as the digest algorithms to use in the IKE profile you are using to establish the IPSec VPN tunnel, the GUARD VPN Client also proposes AES 192 (using CBC mode) and SHA2 384 in the negotiation list. In this case, NSX-T Data Center uses the first encryption algorithm you selected when establishing the IPSec VPN tunnel.
  7. Enter a security association (SA) lifetime value, in seconds, if you want it different from the default value of 86400 seconds (24 hours).
  8. Provide a description and add a tag, as needed.
  9. Click Save.


A new row is added to the table of available IKE profiles. To edit or delete a non-system created profile, click the three-dot menu ( Three black dots aligned vertically. Clicking this icon displays a menu of sub-commands. ) and select from the list of actions available.