There are two possible modes in the NSX Manager web interface: Policy and Manager. You can control which mode is default, and if users can switch between them using the user interface mode buttons.

If present, you can use the Policy and Manager buttons to switch between the Policy and Manager modes. Switching modes controls which menus items are available to you.

  • By default, if your environment contains only objects created through Policy mode, your user interface is in Policy mode and you do not see the Policy and Manager buttons.
  • By default, if your environment contains any objects created through Manager mode, you see the Policy and Manager buttons in the top-right corner.

You can use the User Interface Settings to modify these defaults.

See NSX Manager for more information about the modes.


  1. From your browser, log in with admin privileges to an NSX Manager at https://<nsx-manager-ip-address>.
  2. Navigate to System > User Interface Settings and click Edit.
  3. Modify the user interface settings: Toggle Visibility and Default Mode.
    Toggle Visibility Description
    Visible to All Users If Manager mode objects are present, the mode buttons are visible to all users.
    Visible to Users with the Enterprise Admin Role If Manager mode objects are present, the mode buttons are visible to users with the Enterprise Admin role.
    Hidden from All Users Even if Manager mode objects are present, the mode buttons are hidden from all users.
    Default Mode can be set to Policy or Manager.