When you have verified that the migration is successful, and have clicked Finish to finish the migration, you can uninstall your NSX for vSphere environment.

The process for uninstalling NSX for vSphere after migration to NSX-T is different from the standard uninstall for NSX for vSphere.


  • Verify that the migration is successful, and all functionality is working in the NSX-T environment.
  • Verify that you have clicked Finish on the Migrate Hosts page.


  1. Delete the ESX Agent Manager agencies that are associated with the NSX for vSphere environment.
    1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to Menu > Administration. Under Solutions, click vCenter Server Extensions. Double-click vSphere ESX Agent Manager and click the Configure tab.
    2. For each agency that has a name starting with _NSX_, select the agency, then click the three dots menu ( ) and select Delete Agency.
  2. Remove the NSX for vSphere plug-in from vCenter Server.
    1. Access the Extension Manager from the Managed Object Browser at https://<vcenter-ip>/mob/?moid=ExtensionManager.
    2. Click UnregisterExtension.
    3. In the UnregisterExtension dialog box, enter com.vmware.vShieldManager in the Value text box and click Invoke Method.
    4. In the UnregisterExtension dialog box, enter com.vmware.nsx.ui.h5 in the Value text box and click Invoke Method.
    5. You can verify that you unregistered the extensions by going to the Extension Manager page at https://<vcenter-ip>/mob/?moid=ExtensionManager and viewing the values for the extensionList property.
  3. Delete the vSphere Web Client directories and vSphere Client (HTML5) directories for NSX for vSphere and then restart the client services.
    1. Connect to the vCenter Server system command line.
      • If you are using a vCenter Server Appliance, log in as root using the console or SSH. You must log in as root and run the commands from the Bash shell. You can start the Bash shell using the following commands.
        > shell.set --enabled True
        > shell
      • If you are using vCenter Server for Windows, log in as an administrator using the console or RDP.
    2. Delete all NSX for vSphere plug-in directories.
      Note: A plug-in directory might not be present if you have never launched the associated client.
      On vCenter Server Appliance, delete the following directories:
      • To remove the vSphere Web Client plug-in, delete the /etc/vmware/vsphere-client/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity/com.vmware.vShieldManager-<version>-<build> directory.
      • To remove the vSphere Client plug-in, delete the /etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity/com.vmware.nsx.ui.h5-<version>-<build> directory.
      On vCenter Server for Windows, delete the following directories:
      • To remove the vSphere Web Client plug-in, delete the C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vsphere-client\vc-packages\vsphere-client-serenity\com.vmware.vShieldManager-<version>-<build> directory.
      • To remove the vSphere Client plug-in, delete the C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vsphere-ui\vc-packages\vsphere-client-serenity\com.vmware.nsx.ui.h5-<version>-<build> directory.
    3. Restart the client services on the vCenter Server Appliance or vCenter Server on Windows.
      Table 1. Client Service Commands
      Client Service vCenter Server Appliance vCenter Server for Windows
      Restart vSphere Web Client
      # service-control --stop vsphere-client
      # service-control --start vsphere-client
      > cd C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin
      > service-control --stop vspherewebclientsvc
      > service-control --start vspherewebclientsvc
      Restart vSphere Client
      # service-control --stop vsphere-ui
      # service-control --start vsphere-ui
      > cd C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin
      > service-control --stop vsphere-ui
      > service-control --start vsphere-ui
  4. Power off and delete the NSX for vSphere appliances.
    1. Navigate to Home > Hosts and Clusters.
    2. Locate the following NSX for vSphere appliance VMs. On each VM, right click and select Power Off then right click and select Delete from Disk.
      • Edge Services Gateway VM.
      • Distributed Logical Router VM.
      • NSX Controller VMs.
      • NSX Manager VM.