The following security group configurations take place automatically:

If Quarantine Policy is enabled:
  • Healthy NSX-managed VMs are moved to the vm-underlay-sg in the public cloud.

  • Unmanaged VMs or NSX-managed VMs with errors are moved to the default Security Group in AWS and default-vnet-<vnet-ID>-sg Network Security Group in Microsoft Azure.

  • VMs in the User Managed list are not affected.

If Quarantine Policy is disabled:
  • Healthy NSX-managed VMs are moved to the vm-underlay-sg in the public cloud.

  • NSX-managed VMs with errors are moved to the default Security Group in AWS and default-vnet-<vnet-ID>-sg Network Security Group in Microsoft Azure.

  • Unmanaged VMs and VMs in the User Managed list are not affected.