The following configurations are supported for IDFW on virtual machines (VMs). IDFW for physical devices is not supported.

IDFW supports the following protocols:
  • Single user (VDI, or Non-RDSH Server) use case support - TCP, UDP
    Note: ICMP filtering can be enabled with VMware Tools 12.x. For more information, see KB articles 79185 and 88273.
  • Multi-User (RDSH) use case support - TCP, UDP
Guest Operating Systems Enforcement Type
Windows 8 Desktop - supports desktop users use case
Windows 10 Desktop - supports desktop users use case
Windows 2012 Server - supports server users use case
Windows 2012R2 Server - supports server users use case
Windows 2016 Server - supports server users use case
Windows 2019 Server - supports server users use case
Windows 2012R2 RDSH - supports Remote Desktop Session Host
Windows 2016 RDSH - supports Remote Desktop Session Host
Windows 2019 RDSH - supports Remote Desktop Session Host
Active Directory Domain Controllers:
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

Host operating system: ESXi

VMware Tools - For supported versions of VMware Tools, see the VMware Product Interoperability Matrices.
  • VMCI Driver
  • NSX File Introspection Driver
  • NSX Network Introspection Driver