To set up IPSec between two sites you must configure the two VPN endpoints with matching attributes. This topic helps you to understand the requirements to ensure that your IPSec VPN device vendor attributes match the VPN-related attributes of your local IPSec VPN session.

Each IPSec VPN vendor has their own format of accepting the configurations. In certain cases there are default values used for a few parameters. You can use the Download Config feature in the NSX-T Data Center IPSec VPN Sessions UI which provides all the VPN-related configurations that an administrator can use to configure a peer VPN vendor device. It is based on the IPSec VPN session configured at NSX-T Data Center. The feature presents all hidden/default attributes for the IPSec VPN session to allow the administrator to configure the peer VPN device, which may have different default values. Any configuration mismatch can lead to the IPsec VPN tunnel not coming up properly.

Clicking DOWNLOAD CONFIG, as shown in the IPSec VPN Sessions Download Config Button image, downloads a text file that contains relevant attributes that might be required to configure the IPSec VPN session counterpart at the peer VPN device.
Figure 1. IPSec VPN Sessions Download Config Button
Download Config button located in far left IPSec VPN Sessions page
  1. Ensure you have configured an IPSec VPN service and a session successfully before proceeding.
  2. Go to the Networking > VPN > IPSec Sessions tab to access the Download Config button.
  3. In the table of IPSec VPN Sessions, expand the row for the session you plan to use for the IPSec VPN session configuration. For example, the Sample_Policy_Based row is expanded in the IPSec VPN Sessions Download Config Button image.
  4. Click Download Config and click Yes on the Warning dialog box to download a text file.
  5. Use the downloaded config file to configure the policy or route-based IPSec VPN session attributes at the peer VPN endpoint to ensure it contains the required matching values.

The following sample text file is similar to the file that gets downloaded. The file name, Sample_Policy_Based.txt is a policy-based IPSec VPN session configured in NSX-T Data Center. The name of the file downloaded is based on the name of the session. For example <session-name>.txt.

 # Suggestive peer configuration for Policy IPSec Vpn Session
# IPSec VPN session path          : /infra/tier-0s/ServerT0_AS/ipsec-vpn-services/IpsecOnServerT0/sessions/SAMPLE_POLICY_BASED
# IPSec VPN session name          : SAMPLE_POLICY_BASED
# IPSec VPN session description   : 
# Tier 0 path                     : /infra/tier-0s/ServerT0_AS
# Enforcement point path    : /infra/sites/default/enforcement-points/default
# Enforcement point type    : NSX-T Data
# Suggestive peer configuration for IPSec VPN Connection
# IPSecVPNSession Id         : e7f34d43-c894-4dbb-b7d2-c899f81b1812
# IPSecVPNSession name       : SAMPLE_POLICY_BASED
# IPSecVPNSession description: 
# IPSecVPNSession enabled    : true
# IPSecVPNSession type       : Policy based VPN
# Logical router Id          : 258b91be-b4cb-448a-856e-501d03128877
# Generated Time             : Mon Apr 29 07:07:43 GMT 2024
# Internet Key Exchange Configuration [Phase 1]
# Configure the IKE SA as outlined below
IKE version                  : IKE_V2
Connection initiation mode   : INITIATOR
Authentication method        : PSK
Pre shared key               : nsxtVPN!234
Authentication algorithm     : [SHA2_256]
Encryption algorithm         : [AES_128]
SA life time                 : 86400
Negotiation mode             : Not applicable for ikev2
DH group                     : [GROUP14]
Prf Algorithm                : [SHA2_256]
# IPsec_configuration [Phase 2]
# Configure the IPsec SA as outlined below
Transform Protocol              : ESP
Authentication algorithm        : 
Sa life time                    : 3600
Encryption algorithm            : [AES_GCM_128]
Encapsulation mode              : TUNNEL_MODE
Enable perfect forward secrecy  : true
Perfect forward secrecy DH group: [GROUP14]
# IPsec Dead Peer Detection (DPD) settings
DPD enabled         : true
DPD probe interval  : 60
# IPSec VPN Session Configuration
Peer address    : # Peer gateway public IP.
Peer id         :
Local address   : # Local gateway public IP.
Local id        :
# Policy Rules
Sources: []
Destinations: []

The IPSec VPN Sessions Configuration File Attributes table contains the attributes in the Sample_Policy_Based.txt VPN session config file to use when configuring IPSec VPN at the peer VPN device.

Table 1. IPSec VPN Sessions Configuration File Attributes
Category Attribute Name Meaning and Value of Attribute to be Configured at the Peer VPN Device Peer Device Configurability
ISAKMP Phase 1Parameters IKE version IKE protocol version Mandatory
Connection initiation mode Whether the device initiates IKE connection


Mandatory if NSX-T Data Center IPSec is configured with Connection Initiation Mode = "Respond Only."

Authentication method Authentication mode for IKE - Pre-Shared Key or Certificate Mandatory
Pre shared key Value of Shared Key if the Authentication Mode is PSK Mandatory
Authentication algorithm Authentication algorithm to be used for IKE Mandatory
Encryption algorithm Encryption algorithm to be used for IKE Mandatory
SA life time Lifetime of IKE Security Association (SA) in seconds Optional
Negotiation mode Mode of IKEv1 protocol - Only Main mode is supported. Not relevant for IKEv2 Mandatory
DH group Diffie Hellman Group to be used for IKE SA negotiation Mandatory
Prf Algorithm Pseudo Random function to be used for IKE SA negotiation Mandatory
Peer address IP address of the VPN endpoint at the NSX-T Data Center side Mandatory
Peer id Identity of the VPN endpoint at the NSX-T Data Center side Mandatory
Local Address

Address of the VPN endpoint at the peer endpoint side (in configuration done in NSX-T Data Center side)

Local ID Identity of the VPN endpoint to be configured at the peer endpoint side Mandatory
ISAKMP Phase 2 Parameters Transform Protocol Transform Protocol Transform Protocol
Authentication algorithm Integrity protection algorithm for IPSec packets Mandatory
SA Lifetime

Lifetime of IPSec SA, in seconds.

Keys are refreshed as the SA lifetime approaches.

Encryption algorithm Encryption protection for IPSec packets Mandatory
Encapsulation mode Mode for IPSec Tunnel (Tunnel or Transport) Mandatory. Only Tunnel Mode is supported.
Enable perfect forward secrecy PFS (enabled or inactive) Mandatory
Perfect forward secrecy DH group DH group to be used for PFS Mandatory

Applies to policy-based VPN. This is the subnet or subnets behind the peer VPN endpoint.

Mandatory for policy-based VPN

Applies to policy-based VPN. This is the subnet or subnets behind the NSX-T Data Center VPN endpoint for which traffic needs to be tunneled over IPSec.

Mandatory for policy-based VPN
Other Parameters DPD enabled Whether Dead Peer Detection is enabled Optional
Frequency at which DPD is performed (in seconds) Optional