Make sure that the transport node creation process is working correctly.

After creating a host transport node, the N-VDS gets installed on the host.


  1. Log in to the NSX-T Data Center.
  2. Navigate to the Transport Node page and view the N-VDS status.
  3. Alternatively, view the N-VDS on ESXi with the esxcli network ip interface list command.
    On ESXi, the command output should include a vmk interface (for example, vmk10) with a VDS name that matches the name you used when you configured the transport zone and the transport node.
    # esxcli network ip interface list
       Name: vmk10
       MAC Address: 00:50:56:64:63:4c
       Enabled: true
       Portset: DvsPortset-1
       Portgroup: N/A
       Netstack Instance: vxlan
       VDS Name: overlay-hostswitch
       VDS UUID: 18 ae 54 04 2c 6f 46 21-b8 ae ef ff 01 0c aa c2
       VDS Port: 10
       VDS Connection: 10
       Opaque Network ID: N/A
       Opaque Network Type: N/A
       External ID: N/A
       MTU: 1600
       TSO MSS: 65535
       Port ID: 67108895

    If you are using the vSphere Client, you can view the installed N-VDS in the UI by selecting host Configuration > Network Adapters.

    The KVM command to verify the N-VDS installation is ovs-vsctl show. Note that on KVM, the N-VDS name is nsx-switch.0. It does not match the name in the transport node configuration. This is by design.
    # ovs-vsctl show
        Bridge "nsx-switch.0"
            Port "nsx-uplink.0"
                Interface "em2"
            Port "nsx-vtep0.0"
                tag: 0
                Interface "nsx-vtep0.0"
                    type: internal
            Port "nsx-switch.0"
                Interface "nsx-switch.0"
                    type: internal
        ovs_version: ""
  4. Check the transport node's assigned tunnel endpoint address.
    The vmk10 interface receives an IP address from the NSX-T Data Center IP pool or DHCP, as shown here:
    # esxcli network ip interface ipv4 get
    Name   IPv4 Address    IPv4 Netmask   IPv4 Broadcast   Address Type  DHCP DNS
    -----  --------------  -------------  ---------------  ------------  --------
    vmk0  STATIC           false
    vmk1     STATIC           false
    vmk10  STATIC           false
    In KVM, you can verify the tunnel endpoint and IP allocation with the ifconfig command.
    # ifconfig
    nsx-vtep0.0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr ba:30:ae:aa:26:53
              inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  5. Check the API for transport node state information.
    Use the GET https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/transport-nodes/<transport-node-id>/state API call. For example:
      "state": "success",
      "host_switch_states": [
          "endpoints": [
              "default_gateway": "",
              "device_name": "vmk10",
              "ip": "",
              "subnet_mask": "",
              "label": 69633
          "transport_zone_ids": [
          "host_switch_name": "overlay-hostswitch",
          "host_switch_id": "18 ae 54 04 2c 6f 46 21-b8 ae ef ff 01 0c aa c2"
      "transport_node_id": "2d030569-5769-4a13-8918-0c309c63fdb9"