After you have started the migration process, you can roll back the migration to undo some or all of your progress. You can also cancel the migration, which removes all migration state.

You can roll back or undo the migration from some of the migration steps. After the migration has started, you can click Rollback on the furthest step completed. The button is disabled on all other pages.

Table 1. Rolling Back vSphere Networking Migration
Migration Step Rollback Details
Import Configuration Click Rollback on this page to roll back the Import Configuration step.
Resolve Configuration Rollback is not available here. Click Rollback from the Import Configuration page.
Migrate Configuration Click Rollback on this page to roll back the migration of the configuration to NSX-T and the input provided on the Resolve Configuration page.
Migrate Hosts Rollback is not available here.

There is a Cancel button on every page of the migration. Canceling a migration deletes all migration state from the system. The migration coordinator shows the following warning message when you cancel a migration at any step:

Canceling the migration will reset the migration coordinator.
It is advisable to rollback this step first or it might leave 
the system in a partially migrated state. Do you want to continue?
Caution: Do not cancel a migration if Host migration has started. Canceling the migration deletes all migration state and prevents you from rolling back the migration or viewing past progress.