Use the Security Overview dashboard to view the summary-level statistics of file inspections in the NSX-T Data Center.
You can filter the file inspection statistics (file events statistics) on the dashboard for a specific time period. The default time period for each graph on the dashboard is last one hour. Maximum supported time period for each graph is last 14 days.
The following file events statistics for the selected time period are shown in a graphical format on this dashboard:
- Total number of inspected file events, malicious file events, suspicious file events, and blocked files.
- Number of file inspections for different ranges of threat score.
- Top five recently inspected files in the data center sorted by the timestamp.
- Top five malicious files detected in the data center.
- Trend of malicious file events, suspicious file events, and suppressed file events in the data center.
- Distribution of file inspections based on the malware family to which the files belong.
- Breakdown of file inspections by the type of analysis performed (local file analysis, cloud file analysis).
- NSX Malware Prevention feature is activated successfully in the NSX Application Platform.
- NSX Malware Prevention feature is activated on the ESXi host clusters or tier-1 gateways, or both, depending on your security requirements.