You can configure a DNS forwarder to forward DNS queries to external DNS servers.

Before you configure a DNS forwarder, you must configure a default DNS zone. Optionally, you can configure one or more FQDN DNS zones. Each DNS zone is associated with up to 3 DNS servers. When you configure a FQDN DNS zone, you specify one or more domain names. A DNS forwarder is associated with a default DNS zone and up to 5 FQDN DNS zones. When a DNS query is received, the DNS forwarder compares the domain name in the query with the domain names in the FQDN DNS zones. If a match is found, the query is forwarded to the DNS servers specified in the FQDN DNS zone. If a match is not found, the query is forwarded to the DNS servers specified in the default DNS zone.


  1. With admin privileges, log in to NSX Manager.
  2. Select Networking > IP Management > DNS.
  3. Click Add DNS Service.
  4. Enter a name.
  5. Select a tier-0 or tier-1 gateway.
  6. Enter the IP address of the DNS service.
    Clients send DNS queries to this IP address, which is also known as the DNS forwarder's listener IP.
  7. Select a default DNS zone.
  8. Select up to five FQDN zones.
  9. Select a log level.
  10. Enter a description.
  11. Click the Admin Status toggle to enable or disable the DNS service.
  12. (Optional) Change the cache size.
  13. Click Save.