You can register a watcher that will receive notifications based on specific criteria.

To register a watcher, you can invoke the following API.

POST /api/v1/notification-watcher

After adding a watcher, you must register a notification_id (feature_name.notification_name) with a watcher_id and specify notifications that the watcher should receive. Note that without the registration, the watcher will not receive any notifications. Invoke the following APIs with the required request parameters to register notification_id and to specify notifications. For more information on NSX-T Data Center Notification APIs, see NSX-T Data Center API Guide.

  • PUT /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>
  • POST /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>/notifications?action=add_uri_filters with the following request parameters:
    • notification_id: A string identifying feature_name.notification_name to indicate a notification that watcher is interested in receiving for the URI identified by the feature_name.notification_name.
    • uri_filters: Optional list of URIs to filter notifications based on its policy path. When specifying uri_filters, you can also use * as a wildcard character instead of a specific value.

      For example, if the notification_id is group.change_name, the uri_filter pattern is /policy/api/v1/infra/domains/<domain>/groups/<group>. You can specify the pattern as /policy/api/v1/infra/domains/domain1/groups/group2 to get notifications specific to domain1 and group2. Alternatively, you can also specify the pattern /policy/api/v1/infra/domains/domain2/groups/* to get notifications for all groups in domain2 or specify it as /policy/api/v1/infra/domains/*/groups/* to get notifications for all groups in all domains.

The following table lists the feature names and their respective URIs.
Feature Name Feature Description Notification Name Notification Description URI
group Notifications supported by NS Group feature. change_notification Group notification, <domain> identifies the domain name and <group> identifies group name. /policy/api/v1/infra/domains/<domain>/groups/<group>
monitoring Notifications supported by the monitoring feature. alarm Alarm notifications. <alarm-id> identifies an alarm instance. A notification is sent whenever an alarm instance is created or deleted and when the alarm instance is updated. /api/v1/alarms/<alarm-id>
alarm_status_change_notification Alarm notifications. <alarm-id> identifies an alarm instance. A notification is sent whenever an alarm instance is created and when the status property value of an alarm instance is updated. /api/v1/alarms/<alarm-id>

Notifications supported by notification framework.

watcher Platform notification to convey updates to watcher configuration. <watcher-id> identifies the watcher. /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>
watcher_notification Platform notification to convey updates to notifications. <watcher-id> identifies the watcher. /api/v1/notification-watchers/<watcher-id>/notifications
service_config Notifications supported by Service Config feature. change_notification Service config notification. <domain> identifies the domain name, <policy> identifies the endpoint policy, and <rule> identifies the endpoint rule. This notification is generated when a service config used in endpoint rule is updated or when UPM Profile is updated. /policy/api/v1/infra/domains/<domain>/endpoint-policies/<policy>/endpoint-rules/<rule>

Notifications supported by Service Insertion module.

Currently Service Insertion module supports notifications for Service Profile, Service Instance Runtime, and Policy Groups.

instance_runtime_notification Service Instance Runtime notification. <service-id> identifies the service, <service-instance-id> identifies the service instance. Notification will be sent for deployed and undeployed operations. /api/v1/serviceinsertion/services/<service-id>/service-instances/<service-instance-id>/instance-runtimes
profile_notification Service Profile change notification. <service-reference> identifies the service name and <service-profile> identifies profile name. Notification will be sent for profile create, update, and delete. /policy/api/v1/infra/service-references/<service-reference>/service-profiles/<service-profile>
profile_chain_mapping_notification Service Profile Chain Mapping notification. <service-reference> identifies the service name and <service-profile> identifies profile name. The notification will be sent when a profile is added or removed as a part of a service chain. /policy/api/v1/infra/service-references/<service-reference>/service-profiles/<service-profile>/service-chain-mappings
profile_nsgroups_notification Service Profile NSGroups notification. <service-reference> identifies the service name and <service-profile> identifies profile name. This notification gets triggered whenever an east-west rule containing nsgroups gets added or deleted with the particular profile. /policy/api/v1/infra/service-references/<service-reference>/service-profiles/<service-profile>/group-associations
instance_nsgroups_notification Service Instance NSGroups notification. <service-id> identifies the service name and <service-instance-id> identifies service instance. This notification gets triggered whenever a north-south rule containing nsgroups gets added or deleted with the particular instance. /api/v1/serviceinsertion/services/<service-id>/service-instances/<service-instance-id>/group-associations