An ESXi host transport node supports eight logical switch IPFIX flow templates and two distributed firewall IPFIX flow templates.

The following table lists VMware-specific elements in logical switch IPFIX packets.

Element ID Parameter Name Data Type Unit
880 tenantProtocol unsigned8 1 byte
881 tenantSourceIPv4 ipv4Address 4 bytes
882 tenantDestIPv4 ipv4Address 4 bytes
883 tenantSourceIPv6 ipv6Address 16 bytes
884 tenantDestIPv6 ipv6Address 16 bytes
886 tenantSourcePort unsigned16 2 bytes
887 tenantDestPort unsigned16 2 bytes
888 egressInterfaceAttr unsigned16 2 bytes
889 vxlanExportRole unsigned8 1 byte
890 ingressInterfaceAttr unsigned16 2 bytes
898 virtualObsID string variable length

The following table lists VMware-specific elements in distributed firewall IPFIX packets.

Element ID Parameter Name Data Type Unit
950 ruleId unsigned32 4 bytes
951 vmUuid string 16 bytes
952 vnicIndex unsigned32 4 bytes
953 sessionFlags unsigned8 1 byte
954 flowDirection unsigned8 1 byte
955 algControlFlowId unsigned64 8 bytes
956 algType unsigned8 1 byte
957 algFlowType unsigned8 1 byte
958 averageLatency unsigned32 4 bytes
959 retransmissionCount unsigned32 4 bytes
960 vifUuid octetArray 16 bytes
961 vifId string variable length