Before you enable ECMP, you must configure an uplink to connect the tier-0 logical router to the VLAN logical switch.



  1. With admin privileges, log in to NSX Manager.
  2. Select Networking > Tier-0 Logical Routers.
  3. Select the tier-0 logical router.
  4. Click the Configuration tab to add a router port.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Complete the router port details.
    Option Description
    Name Assign a name for the router port.
    Description Provide additional description that shows that the port is for ECMP configuration.
    Type Accept the default type Uplink.
    MTU If you leave this field empty, the default is 1500.
    Transport Node Assign the Edge transport node from the drop-down menu.
    URPF Mode uRPF (unicast Reverse Path Forwarding) is enabled by default on external, internal and service interfaces. From a security standpoint, it is a best practice to keep uRPF enabled on these interfaces. uRPF is also recommended in architectures that leverage ECMP.

    It is possible to disable uRPF in complex routing architectures where asymmetric routing exists.

    Logical Switch Assign the VLAN logical switch from the drop-down menu.
    Logical Switch Port

    Assign a new switch port name.

    You can also use an existing switch port.

    IP Address/Mask Enter an IP address that is in the same subnet as the connected port on the ToR switch.
  7. Click Save.


A new uplink port is added to the tier-0 router and the VLAN logical switch. The tier-0 logical router is configured on both of the edge nodes.

What to do next

Create a BGP connection for the second neighbor and enable the ECMP routing. See Add a Second BGP Neighbor and Enable ECMP Routing in Manager Mode.