To establish communication between NSX Edges and NSX Manager or NSX Manager cluster, join NSX Edges with NSX Manager. You only need to register NSX Edges with one NSX Manager to ensure communication with the management plane.


Verify that you have admin privileges to log in to the NSX Edges and NSX Manager appliance.


  1. Open an SSH session or console session to one of the NSX Manager appliances.
  2. Open an SSH session or console session to the NSX Edge node VM.
  3. To retrieve the thumbprint of the NSX Manager appliance, at the NSX Manager appliance console, run the get certificate api thumbprint command.
    The command output is a string of alphanumeric numbers that is unique to this NSX Manager.
    For example:
    NSX-Manager1> get certificate api thumbprint
  4. Alternatively, to retrieve the thumbprint of the cluster, at the NSX Manager appliance console, run get certificate cluster thumbprint.
    The output is a string of alphanumeric numbers that is unique to the cluster.
  5. To join the NSX Edge node (VM or Bare Metal) to the NSX Manager appliance, run the join management-plane command.
    Provide the following information:
    • Hostname or IP address of the NSX Manager with an optional port number
    • User name of the NSX Manager
    • Certificate thumbprint of the NSX Manager
    • Password of the NSX Manager
    NSX-Edge1> join management-plane <Manager-IP> thumbprint <Manager-thumbprint> username admin

    Repeat this command on each NSX Edge node VM.

  6. Alternatively, to join the NSX Manager cluster to the NSX Edge node VM, run the join management-plane command.
    Provide the following information:
    • Virtual IP address of the NSX Manager cluster with an optional port number
    • User name of the NSX Manager
    • Certificate thumbprint of the NSX Manager cluster
    • Password of the NSX Manager
    NSX-Edge1> join  management-plane <Cluster-VIP> username <Manager-username> password <Manager-password> thumbprint <Cluster-tumbprint>
  7. Verify the result by running the get managers command on your NSX Edge node VMs.
    nsx-edge-1> get managers
    -  Connected (NSX-RPC)
    - Connected (NSX-RPC)
    - Connected (NSX-RPC)
  8. In the NSX Manager UI, navigate to System > Fabric > Nodes > Edge Transport Nodes.
    On the NSX Edge Transport Node page:
    • The Configuration State column displays Configure NSX. Click Configure NSX to begin configuration on the node. If the NSX Version column does not display the version number installed on the node, try refreshing the browser window.
    • Before you configure NSX on the NSX Edge node, the Node Status and Tunnel Status columns display state Not Available. The Transport Zones and N-VDS switches columns display value 0, indicating there are no transport zones attached or N-VDS switches configured on the NSX Edge node.

What to do next

When installing NSX Edge using NSX Manager see Create an NSX Edge Transport Node.

When installing NSX Edge manually, see Configure an NSX Edge as a Transport Node.