Unable to delete NSX Advanced Load Balancer controller.
If NSX Advanced Load Balancer objects exist and there is only one node left, NSX-T does not allow you to delete all the deployed NSX Advanced Load Balancer controller nodes. This issue occurred because NSX-T cannot access the node or you manually deleted the node from compute manager.
- From a browser, log in with admin privileges to an NSX Manager at https://<nsx-manager-ip-address>.
- Delete all existing NSX Advanced Load Balancer objects.
- To delete the controller, go to
- Click Actions and click Delete or Force Delete.
- If load balancer objects are present, you cannot the delete the controller node remaining in the cluster. To delete the last controller node, run the following API command.
Note: Pass the
flag only if
NSX-T cannot access the node and it is the last node in the cluster.
The API command deletes the controller node but the load balancer objects still exist in the system.