If PCG undeployment fails, you have to manually delete all the NSX Cloud-created entities in NSX Manager as well as in the public cloud.
- In your public cloud:
- Terminate all PCGs in the Transit VPC/VNet.
- Move all your workload VMs to a security group not created by NSX Cloud.
- For Microsoft Azure, also delete the NSX Cloud-created Resource Group named like nsx-gw-<vnet ID>-rg.
- Delete the auto-created entities with the VPC/VNet ID in NSX Manager as listed here: Auto-created NSX-T Data Center Logical Entities.
Note: Do not delete the global entities that are auto-created. Only delete the ones that have the VPC/VNet ID in their name.
- Restart the CSM Service. Log in to the CSM appliance CLI and run the restart service cloud-service-manager command.
Important: If the
PCG un-deployment fails even after performing the steps mentioned in this topic or you need to redeploy in same VPC/VNet, a database cleanup for
PCG may be required. The database cleanup needs engineering assistance. If you want to clean-up the
PCG database, contact the VMware support team.