For a host to be a part of an NSX-T deployment, NSX-T modules must be installed on the host. After the installation, the host is known as a host transport node.

Note: The object names and configuration values that are used in the steps below are example values mentioned in Preparing the Environment. Replace them with names and values that are appropriate for your environment.

Create an uplink profile

  1. In NSX Manager, go to System > Fabric > Profiles > Uplink Profiles.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Name field, enter Uplink-profile-1.
  4. Under Teamings, select Default Teaming and enter uplink1 for Active Uplinks.
  5. In the Transport VLAN field, enter 12.

Configure ESXi host transport nodes

  1. If you are running NSX-T 3.2.0 or 3.2.1,
    • In NSX Manager, go to System > Fabric > Nodes > Host Transport Nodes.
    • In the Managed by dropdown, select VC-1.
  2. If you are running NSX-T 3.2.2 or later, in NSX Manager, go to System > Fabric > Hosts > Clusters > Cluster Nodes.
  3. Expand Cluster-NSX.
  4. Click and click Yes to make it a transport node.
  5. Provide the following information.
    Type VDS
    Mode Standard (All hosts)
    Name VDS-NSX if you created a new VDS in the previous step. Otherwise, the name of an existing VDS.
    Transport Zone nsx-overlay-transportzone, nsx-vlan-transport-zone
    Uplink Profile Uplink-profile-1
    IP Assignment Use Static IP List
    Static IP List
    Subnet Mask
  6. Under Teaming Policy Switch Mapping, uplink1 must be mapped to the name of the VDS uplink.
  7. Wait until the Configuration State column displays Success. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the window.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 for ESXi-2 (Static IP List should be and ESXi-3 (Static IP List should be

Alternatively, you can configure a transport node profile and use it to configure all three hosts in one step. For more information, see the NSX-T Data Center Administration Guide.