You can upgrade and delete the NSX Network Detection and Response feature using the NSX Application Platform page in the System tab.


The NSX Malware Prevention and NSX Intelligence features are each interdependent on the NSX Network Detection and Response feature.

When the NSX Network Detection and Response and the NSX Malware Prevention features are both activated, the NSX Malware Prevention feature publishes file events to NSX Network Detection and Response. When the NSX Network Detection and Response and the NSX Intelligence features are both activated, NSX Intelligence publishes anomalous events to NSX Network Detection and Response.

As a consequence, when you activate, update, or delete one of the interdependent features, the system reconfigures the other feature to update the features' interdependence status.

For example, if you delete the NSX Network Detection and Response feature when the NSX Malware Prevention feature is activated, the NSX Malware Prevention feature card briefly gives a status of Deployment in progress as the system reconfigures the feature to stop sending file events to the newly deleted NSX Network Detection and Response feature. Similarly, if you delete the NSX Malware Prevention feature when the NSX Network Detection and Response is activated, the NSX Network Detection and Response feature card briefly displays the Deployment in progress status while the system updates the interdependence status of the two features.