The WHOIS pop-up window displays registration information and other details about the IP address or hostname of the host you are examining.
It has the following two tabs.
- Summary
The SUMMARY tab displays the following information about the IP address or hostname.
Date information – The date the domain was registered, the date that the domain record was updated, and if available, the expiration date of the domain.
Organization – The name of the organization, the organization email addresses, the organization country (country code), the organization phone numbers, the registrar name, and the contact list.
Network – The network name, IP address range, AS list,authoritative name servers, and parent networks.
- Raw Record
The RAW RECORD tab displays WHOIS data in its raw form.
Information unavailable
If the WHOIS pop-up window displays a warning that information for the given IP address or hostname is unavailable, you can try using a 3rd party. To look-up the host, click View in external tool in the bottom-right of the pop-up window.
The button to the 3rd party provider is always available.