Starting in version 3.1.1, you can use the Terraform scripts to deploy management components – NSX Manager and CSM – within your Microsoft Azure subscription.

provides Terraform scripts that deploy components in your Microsoft subscription. See Deploy NSX Cloud Components in Microsoft Azure using Terraform scripts.

If you cannot use Terraform scripts to deploy components, you can also manually deploy them in your Microsoft Azure subscription. See Deploy NSX Cloud Components in Microsoft Azure without using Terraform scripts.

Figure 1. NSX Cloud Components Deployed in Microsoft Azure
NSX Cloud Components Deployed in Microsoft Azure

Accepting Azure Marketplace Terms

As the NSX Cloud images are published at the Azure Marketplace, you must first accept the legal terms for the images.

To accept the terms, you can use the PowerShell command. For details, see

Use the following values for the PowerShell command. Note that the product value is based on the marketplace image.
Parameter Description
Publisher vmware-inc
Name byol_release-3-1

For Public Cloud Gateway (PCG)


For Management Plane (MP)


For Cloud Service Manager (CSM)


Following is an example for accepting terms for CSM using the PowerShell command:

Set-AzMarketplaceTerms -Publisher "vmware-inc" -Product "nsx-cloud-service-manager" -Name "byol_release-3-1" -Terms $agreementTerms -Accept