The system found a problem while checking the available TKG Cluster on Supervisor or upstream Kubernetes resources.


The precheck failed while validating that the minimum required resources are available on the TKG Cluster on Supervisor or upstream Kubernetes cluster for the selected form factor. The system verifies that the TKG Cluster on Supervisor or upstream Kubernetes cluster has the minimum number of control node and worker nodes. It also verifies that the minimum memory, CPU, and ephemeral-storage are available on each node.


The cause of the resource availability precheck failure can be any of the following reasons.

  • The TKG Cluster on Supervisor or upstream Kubernetes cluster does not have the minimum required control node and worker nodes.

  • The control node and worker nodes do not have the minimum required CPU or memory for the form factor you selected.

  • The control node and worker nodes do not have the minimum required ephemeral-storage for the form factor you selected.


Work with your infrastructure administrator to configure the TKG Cluster on Supervisor or upstream Kubernetes cluster with all of the required resources, as specified in the NSX Application Platform System Requirements.