The NSX Application Platform deployment operation failed due to a timeout.


An attempt to deploy the NSX Application Platform failed to complete and the operation timed out.


The NSX Application Platform deployment process includes the installation of several services used for Messaging, Data Storage, Analytics and more. In the event these services do not start within 20 minutes of deployment initiation, the deployment process is halted with a timeout error. Possible causes for the timeout error are infrastructure issues, such as CPU contention, Storage contention, or network connectivity issues.


  1. Log in to the NSX Manager appliance with the root account.
  2. Use the following command to verify that the nsxi-platform pods are deployed successfully.
    napp-k get pods --selector=''

    If the pod status is either Running or Completed that means the pod started successfully.

    If one of the following pod status continues to be returned, it can indicate a pod did not start successfully.
    • Init/Podinitializing/CrashLoopBackOff
    • Pending
    • ContainerCreating
    • ImagePullBackOff
    • ErrImagePull
    • ImageInspectError
    • CreateContainerConfigError
  3. If any of the pods do not start within 20 minutes of deployment initiation and the deployment halts with a timeout error, investigate if there are any issues with the infrastructure, such as CPU contention, storage contention, or network connectivity issue. Resolve the issues and retry the NSX Application Platform deployment from the NSX Manager UI.
  4. If the deployment continues to time out, use the following command to inspect the log files for each pod that fails to start up.
    Obtain the <POD_NAME> from the output of the command in step 2.
    napp-k logs <POD_NAME>
  5. Resolve the errors reported in the log files and retry the NSX Application Platform deployment from the NSX Manager UI.
  6. If the deployment continues to fail, contact your VMware support for assistance.