Apply the tag to VMs that you want to manage using NSX.


  1. Log in to your public cloud account and go to your VPC or VNet where you want your workload VMs to be managed by NSX.
  2. Select the VMs that you want to manage using NSX.
  3. Add the following tag details for the VMs and save your changes.
    Value: default
    Note: Apply this tag at the VM level.


You may have already onboarded the VPCs/VNets where you applied the tags to workload VMs. You can also onboard these VPCs/VNets after applying the tag. Successful onboarding of the VPC/VNet results in the workload VMs to be considered NSX-managed.

What to do next

Install NSX Tools on these VMs. See Install NSX Tools.

If using Microsoft Azure, you have the option to auto-install NSX Tools on tagged VMs. See Install NSX Tools Automatically for details.