After you configure your SFTP file server you can start a backup at any time or schedule recurring backups.

When you set up recurring backups, the system automatically backs up the inventory if there is an inventory change, such as the addition or removal of a Transport Node. This feature is not available for manual backups. You can also trigger backups for configuration changes. You can optionally select both options for recurring backups.

Inventory backups do not get collected for Global Manager.


Complete the instructions at Configure Backups.


  1. To schedule a backup, click Edit under the Schedule label on the System > Backup and Restore.
    1. Click the Recurring Backup toggle.
    2. To set a weekly schedule, click Weekly and set the days and time of the backup.
    3. To set up to a 24 hour interval, click Interval and set the interval between backups.
  2. To trigger an unscheduled full configuration backup when the system detects any user, runtime, or non-configuration related changes, click the Detect NSX configuration change toggle.
    For Global Manager, this setting triggers a backup when the system detects any changes in the database, such as the addition or removal of a Local Manager, tier-0 gateway, or DFW policy.
    You can specify a time interval for detecting database configuration changes. The valid range is 5 minutes to 1,440 minutes (24 hours). This option can potentially generate a large number of backups. Use it with caution.


If you selected Start Backup, you see a progress bar of the in-progress backup.

When the manual or scheduled backup completes, the backup gets listed in the Backup History section of the page. The Last Backup Status label indicates whether the backup was successful and lists the timestamp, node, and cluster details of the appliance backed up. If the backup fails, you can see an error message.

What to do next

To restore a backup follow instructions at Restore a Backup.