The Overview tab in the Host Profile page in the NSX Network Detection and Response user interface provides a summary about the selected host.

Host Summary

The Host summary section contains the Threats widget, which provides a quick overview about the threats detected on the host.

Related Campaigns

The Related Campaigns section lists campaigns that affect the selected host. Click the Campaign ID link and the Campaign summary sidebar displays an overview of the campaign.

Host Identity

The Host Identity section contains the following details.

  • Host IP - The IP address of the host.
  • Host Name - The detected name of the host.
  • Host Label - The label for the host. To edit the label, click the icon.

Host Configuration

The Host Configuration section contains the following properties.
  • On Home Network - To add the host, click the toggle to YES. Otherwise click the toggle to NO.
  • Silenced - To add the host, click the toggle to YES. Otherwise click the toggle to NO.

Host Properties

The Host Properties section contains the following details.
  • First Seen - Timestamp indicating when the host was first seen.
  • Last Seen - Timestamp indicating when the host was last seen.